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I wish I could never darken another Walmart doorway but in this area they have run everyone else out of business. In our town we now only have 2 places to buy groceries, Walmart and Save-A-Lot. Kroger held on for a while but theft by customers and employees caused them to shut the doors. Save-A-Lot carries a limited number of name brands and some of the other customers look at me like I don’t belong in “their” store. Maybe because I don’t sport the uniform of the day like the well dressed young man that checked out ahead of me last visitView attachment 244286
Time for a hasmat suit.
Labor pool here is pretty shallow, no deep end here. Almost all industry has RUN away from here. People actually show up for a job interview wearing sleep pants, tank top, and house shoes and then gripe that they are being discriminated against because they weren’t hired. In Memphis, just north of here they constantly run seminars trying to teach people how to act human. Take a bath, put on real pants or dress, take the curlers out of your hair, wear a real shirt that isn’t a menu of last night’s meal and doesn’t stink, speak English with out MF every other word, and on and on and on. This whole area has suffered the same fate.
Wally Worlds near me, the closer you get to a big urban, gritty area, the more crowded and, frankly, dirty the stores are. Away from ring urban areas they reflect the atmosphere of the suburban location more closely. They now have glass-lock-and-key on the T-shirt and underwear displays; the Hanes, George, and Fruit of the Loom basics! Apparently the theft if so common now. I'd go there, if they had caps in my area but they don't. They have returned Ammo, though.
I had to go to maulmart today to get my Mrs. Med's. I went to the Sporting Goods to look for more Caps. None in stock got the manager to see when there would be some more. Answer was next year when Corporate decides to start the Fall hunting stock. There was only 50 tins that were shipped here in Paducah this year. Being held hostage every year on percussion caps sucks !
BTW, Walmart with 1.5 million is the second largest employer in the US. Fully 3 times larger than third place. The Federal Government at 2.7 million is first.
You guys would love it here in Canada, none of that foolishness going on here.
You don't need a gun in the parking lot...........matter of fact you can't have one, it is illegal, you will go to jail.
Sometimes, though rare, you will see some butt crack at Wally World but that is rare. Then again, I don't want to see some fat geezer's butt crack.
But in most cases women still dress like women, and some men still dress like men.
The sad part, they don't stock anything to do with guns. In most cases, you will have to go to a gun store to get any hunting related items.
And most cities or larger towns only have one ( ONE ) gun store in town.
Anyway, since 9/11 it is harder and harder to visit south of the border. The sad part the US border is only four miles south of here.
That is a " BUMMER"
I really do miss you guys.
Well, my understanding is the US has a gun (393 million guns) for every man, woman and child in the country. Some 340 million warm bodies. The US posesses 1/3 of all the civilian owned guns in the world. Canada and Australia together come to just shy of 67 million citizens. I'd be curious to hear how many guns you each have?

On top of that I think the US has always been a bit more gun oriented than either of you. Part out of necessity and part due to all the Western and war movies and TV shows to where it became part of our culture. So blame Hollywood? :)

Growing up in the 60's I could walk the fields in and around the neighborhood with my shotgun and no one would say anything. Except maybe the cops to see how the hunting was. You could buy guns as a side line in several different stores and ammunition in even more. Hardware stores often sold them. Imagine Home Despot with a gun department? Especially when outdoor recreation stores like Dicks have been slowly doing away with their gun departments.

Nut even in today's market I have little problem finding what I want or need.
I saw a post with a cap size chart but can't find it. My issue is my Le Mat Cavalry pistol is supposed to take #11 but they fall off the nipple. As you can see I measured the nipple at the base at 0.170 the top is 0.166 it has a small taper but the cap fall right off.

I bought some new #11 nipples but the thread was wrong.


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All .22 rimfire disappeared during the run up to Hillary's "election"; the "shortage" was caused entirely by the shooting industry wholesalers and dealers themselves; Hill never had a chance to pass any gun laws. In response, I stocked up enough .22 to last a lifetime. Much applies to other calibers, also. A Cabela's near me "lost" a half-million rounds of ammo according to a published report: I guess it 'fell off the back of trucks', as they say. Good to see black powder available now, and caps, etc., and we don't read of any Lead (Pb) panics, either. Just like we back up computer info, we should "back up" supplies as we see fit!
Closest walmart to me is 140 miles away. One 140 miles south east and one 140 miles west. The one to the west is in Idaho and it’s actually the nicest one I have ever been to. Still avoid it if at all possible. Neither carry BP anything I believe.
Ha! Some people would be GLAD they're that far from one! I do go there, I admit; but the closer you are to a major high crime city, the more crowded they can be. Got to admit, ol' Mr. Sam really stumbled onto a formula! Billionaires! That's capitalism for you, and what made America great also has it's drawbacks at time. Nothings perfect!

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