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Carrying a pistol

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This will sound like a lie but it ain't. A nice buck approached where I stood behind a tree with my Chambers flintlock. I had the rifle up and pointing in the Buck's direction, hoping it would turn. He was coming at my position upholll. He didn't turn so st At 10 - 12 yards my only shot was at his head. To complete my mountain man persona, I carried a fixed blade knife, 6 inch blade. Shot at the head, deer went down. Upon approaching, It looked dead, on its side. I leaned my unloaded rifle against a tree and drew my knife to gut. I stupidly straddled the animal to take a look at its antlers., when I took hold of one side to lift the head, the deer stood up! I immediately cut his throat. One of my legs was touching the ground as I held on for a moment before he collapsed.
Although a seasoned hunter, I learned two things. Reload before going to your deer and don't assume a deer is dead. Although reloading would not have helped, I should have.
Most of the time I carry a back up of some type…


So far I have needed too use it.

Maybe a bit off topic. topic. I am always curious about what the guys who hunted with muzzleloaders did when there only were muzzleloaders. So what did the old-timers do? Based on art from the day I suspect some carried and some didn't. A gentleman hunter out for a day's stroll in generally settled land probably did not. A man days or more from civilization may well have. Take you guidance from history if you are in doubt.
I always carry a handgun when hunting, but not for dispatching game. I’ve noticed more trespassers in my woods every year, and they get bolder and more aggressive. Last year I had to call the sheriff for one who, when I told him he needed to get out, stood there and called one of the other guys in his hunt club. I was 18 feet up a tree and not about to turn my back on him to climb down.
In Texas we can shoot most anything, with most anything. Hogs can be hunted with tannerite if you want.

Pretty much always have a handgun on me since I teach it, and I live in the country. That goes for hunting too. Most of my hunting is now exclusively with my flint/perc guns.

I have fired a bare ball twice in a rifle as a second shot. Once as a finisher and once to take a second doe that walked up just as I was pouring powder…had primed (don’t want to hear it…you do you) and was holding patch and ball.. dropped the patch, dropped the ball down the bore raised and fired. 15 yards or so. Dead deer.

Have also used a bare ball dropped on top of a turkey load to kill a hog that wondered up. Love a .62 smooth rifle.

I carry my pistols not really as finishers but either as a super fast second shot, or just as a first shot because it’s fun to shoot stuff with a pistol. Also carry a New Orleans Ace in my shot pouch occasionally. I’ve read at least one story of a mountain man using a belly gun to escape from Indians.

Below is a pic of my three main pistols for killing stuff. Left is the newest addition, a .54, the flint is a .58 and the last is a .44 that I made for my 16 year old. Have a couple of Lyman’s in .50 and .54 also.

The hanger/hunting sword is new, need to get it bloody and make a post about it! It goes everywhere with me now in the field.

Have finished hogs with spike hawks also.

We have cats, hogs, javalina, feral dogs and feral people here in Texas…all good reasons for a back up.

I always carry a handgun when hunting, but not for dispatching game. I’ve noticed more trespassers in my woods every year, and they get bolder and more aggressive. Last year I had to call the sheriff for one who, when I told him he needed to get out, stood there and called one of the other guys in his hunt club. I was 18 feet up a tree and not about to turn my back on him to climb down.
Know what you mean. Deep in covid days I was up a tree and suddenly could hear talking about 70 yds out. Then came the sparks of cutting torches through the brush. A chop shop on the dirt track on the property line?! I had an unmentionable but only 3 rounds. I climbed down as quietly as I could in a climber. Luckily they were making a ton of noise. I carry extra rounds these days and a semi-auto pistol when I'm hunting muzzle-loader.