Zinc ingots sitting around will form zink carbonate which turns green in time
If your fingers turn black in a couple weeks it's probably something else.
If your fingers turn black in a couple weeks it's probably something else.
Ive done range lead once. All the crap floated to the top and was scooped off.If jacketed bullets are melted down, it is possible that some copper will alloy with lead. It is why I never flux until all non melting junk is skimmed off. Keep the ingot pot at 600 degrees only. NO flux until the lead is skimmed clean.
Thank you, that is good info to have.This is from “The Engineering Toolbox”
Metals and Alloys - melting points for some common metals and alloys in degrees F
Melting point is the temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid state. Now you know --
Admiralty Brass 1652 - 1724
Aluminum 1220
Antimony 1166
Babbitt 480
Beryllium Copper 1589 - 1751
Bismuth 521
Brass, Red 1814 - 1877
Brass, Yellow 1706
Copper 1983
Lead 622
Solder 50/50 419
Zinc 419.5
Well I got them as hot as I was comfortable with and the didn't melt. I'm guessing about 1000 degrees f.
They are hard enough that a hammer and anvil did no discernable damage
I'm just going to use them as inaccurate ammo for my wrist rocket.
Give that man a genuine Daniel Webster cigar!Zinc ingots sitting around will form zink carbonate which turns green in time