Sounds like your lead or your mold may have been too cold. Apparently you are casting a fairly large ball maybe .50 or larger. My .715 mold for a Bess needs to throw about 20 or 30 balls before the mold is hot enough for the balls to quit wrinkling. I just keep throwing the fresh cast ball back in the pot until they look right.
BTW, did you check to see if you have a cavity in the sprue? If this is a bigger caliber ball, you need to puddle the hot lead on top of the mold until the lead in the mold sets. What happens is that as the lead cools it shrinks. The shrinking lead actually opens up the inside of the ball and can leave a cavity unless you have a puddle of hot lead on top of the mold to fill the cavity.
Check the sprues on the balls that you kept. If there is a black speck in the middle of the sprue, cut a couple open, you may find a cavity.
Many Klatch