This morning I found CCI #11 caps at my local Wallyworld, after stopping in about every two weeks and being told that they were a seasonal item. Well, evidently the season finally came and there they were for $5.32 a tin of 100, so I bought all six tins that were out on the display rack. I also bought one 8 oz. jar of Blackhorn powder. I had never tried any of it yet. The shelf tag said $36.86, so I said to myself OK, I may not ever find it cheaper, so off to the register I went. The caps rang up right at $5.32 each, but the Blackhorn powder rang up at $52.00. So, before I even had left the store, I had to go to customer service to see about a price adjustment/refund. The first lady I spoke to at CS said I needed to speak with a customer service manager, who eventually came over to resolve my problem. She scanned this and that, looked over my receipt and suggested that maybe the wrong tag was on the shelf (it plainly said Blackhorn Powder 8 oz. $36.86) or that maybe the powder was in the wrong place on the shelf above an incorrect tag for something else (now how can that be when the tag and the merchandise match up perfectly?). I assured her that neither was the case. She finally radioed someone in Sporting goods to check the merchandise and the shelf tag, and without telling me what she was told generated a refund by way of a
gift card for $20.49 including tax, when it really should have been for $16.33. Isn't that precious?