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Nov 10, 2009
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the true use of fungus is termed amadu. it is a birch bark fungus. very difficult to find unless you have access to white birch trees. it appears as soft leather and will catch a spark well. let it dry for several weeks.
i don't recommend the use of the lamp wick if you are into reenacting or living history. you will be asked to thow it out however it is a good idea for genenal use in the wild.
native americans used anything available for a spark to hold onto. there is no set rule especially depending on the area that you live in. use what is natural and available. try the rotted wood on the underside of dead trees as a tinder in your box but dont use the smoking rule or you will find ashes. anthing that can be carbonized to catch a spark and hold it works. experiment and have fun, that is the art of it.
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Yep, amadou and true tinder fungus are two different things----amadou being fungus that has been beaten and treated to take fire easily, true tinder fungus needs no preparation at all.


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