Likely you do not recognize his name. Understandable.
He operated a pharmacy in the city of Lancaster, PA. He has served as Lancaster's mayor. He lived on a farm not far from me. Why am I telling you about him? He had what was possibly the largest collection of muzzle loading cannons in the world. Certainly in the United States. I could sometimes on holidays hear his cannons from my property. When he was mayor there would be a performance of the 1812 Overture in the Lancaster city park on 4th July and he would bring cannons to fire in the finale.
When the movie Lincoln was filmed they rented two straight flatbed trailers of cannons from Charlie. Word is there was hell to pay on I95 when they pulled onto the highway. Our local blacksmith always did Charlie's maintenance. He hinted that the ***** movie crews kept him employed for months.
Another thing about Charlie is that he always carried concealed for work. Don't know how often he felt he needed to draw his weapon in the pharmacy. But do know he shot one attempted robber. Don't recall if he killed him. Did not much matter.
Have zero clue what the family wants to do with the cannons. It would be a pity for such a collection to be broken. But clearly I am not going over to ask.
He operated a pharmacy in the city of Lancaster, PA. He has served as Lancaster's mayor. He lived on a farm not far from me. Why am I telling you about him? He had what was possibly the largest collection of muzzle loading cannons in the world. Certainly in the United States. I could sometimes on holidays hear his cannons from my property. When he was mayor there would be a performance of the 1812 Overture in the Lancaster city park on 4th July and he would bring cannons to fire in the finale.
When the movie Lincoln was filmed they rented two straight flatbed trailers of cannons from Charlie. Word is there was hell to pay on I95 when they pulled onto the highway. Our local blacksmith always did Charlie's maintenance. He hinted that the ***** movie crews kept him employed for months.
Another thing about Charlie is that he always carried concealed for work. Don't know how often he felt he needed to draw his weapon in the pharmacy. But do know he shot one attempted robber. Don't recall if he killed him. Did not much matter.
Have zero clue what the family wants to do with the cannons. It would be a pity for such a collection to be broken. But clearly I am not going over to ask.