Around here most townships have rules and liscences that are required. The insurance companies raise prices if the store owners carry real black. The ATFE hassles have gotten worse, and now they are required to not only ID buyers, they have to ask them what they want it for in an attempt to keep the wrong people from getting it. Several suppliers quit over the open ended liability question if the wrong person did buy it from them. One supplier quit keeping it because they got sick of hassles from GOEX. Apparently they can be a real pain to deal with also. It isn't a simple supply and demand question. Even if the feds got out of it completely, many people would still have to sell several hundred cans a year just to offset the added insurance costs and township fees. It has pretty much been ruled to death around here. On a very good traffic day, I could get a can and be back here in about two hours and fifteen minutes. On a bad traffic day, four hours might not cover it. When you get away from the big city areas you can still find it here, but I suspect that will be gone within 10 years or so.