Thanks to all for taking the time to reply.
As I expected, you've covered the full gamut regarding cleaning your blackpowder revolvers. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in my padded cell when it comes to stripping them down after a shooting session - I just can't put a gun away knowing it's dirty inside!
At the end of the day it's a personal choice and I guess there's no 100% right answer. I just know that I feel satisfied when all the crud is out, everything is lubed properly and the gun sounds like a swiss watch when it's cocked.
Keep your powder dry!
Tight Wad :thanks:
As I expected, you've covered the full gamut regarding cleaning your blackpowder revolvers. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in my padded cell when it comes to stripping them down after a shooting session - I just can't put a gun away knowing it's dirty inside!
At the end of the day it's a personal choice and I guess there's no 100% right answer. I just know that I feel satisfied when all the crud is out, everything is lubed properly and the gun sounds like a swiss watch when it's cocked.
Keep your powder dry!
Tight Wad :thanks: