Cleaning Solvent

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pappa bear said:
Hey! Maybe you've got an idea here: Shower with yer musket, and come out flea-free and smelling like Koala food! :rotf: :surrender:

Multi-Tasking! Eh? :rotf:

Dr. Bronner died several years ago.'

Dr. Bronner passed away peacefully on March 7, 1997, amidst family and friends. While we disagree with Dr. Bronner on some idiosyncrasies in his philosophy, we revere him for his efforts to unite humanity and his exhortations to lead a more responsible life in respect to our environment and each other. We continue to make with care and integrity the fine ecological soaps our customers have loved and lathered with for 50 years, and we now make our soaps with all certified organic oils, certified under the USDA’s National Organic Program. We share our time, profits and energy with our workers and worthwhile causes worldwide.

Love in All-One, The Bronner Family

Basically, they left the bottles the way they were out of respect.

He may have been a crazy, old bird but he made good soap!
Johnny Tremain said:
I used to use




Now all I use is



No mess, nor fuss. run a few thru until they come out clean, a few dry ones. then yer fav lube.

How does that rinse out the salts that gets into the nooks and crannies that the patch can't reach? That'd be my main worry. I can see how it'd be great for swabbing between shots or a quick cleaning in the field, but I don't know that I'd want to trust it for cleaning before storage.

I generally use warm water and dish soap for cleaning, or the same Ballistol/water mix that I use for patch lube, depending on whichever is handy at the moment.
The salts dissolve easily in water, and are flushed out or are taken out in the patches. The soap has " binders" the chemically attach to the salts to help them dissolve and flush out.
Soap and very hot water as the standard cleaner that works very well for me. If I need to do deep cleaning I go with Butch's Bore Shine, Sweets 7.62 (be careful with this stuff) or Hoppe's.
Been 3 weeks since ive cleaned my gun with the the 10 to 1 moose milk.Never put anything in the bore at all after dry patching it out.I ran a dry patch down the bore about once a week to check for any signs of red or brown or anything.The patch just comes out clean and dry as can be.Dont get much better than that :thumbsup:

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