Colt Signature Series Navy front sight

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I finally shot my Navy Colt this weekend and found it shoots 8" high at 15 yards.

Is it possible to change the front sight? I'd rather not file the notch on the hammer.

If it's possible does anyone know a source? I spent the afternoon googling it and couldn't find any information.
Consider lowering your powder charge slightly, or moving the target out to either 20 or 25 yards. Or you could add some height to the front sight with something temporary. Shoot from a bagged rest and see where it hits. :hmm:
Actually, with handguns increasing the powder charge generally lowers the PoI.

You can also make a "cap" for the front sight shaped to mostly follow the contour of it, and attach with a dab of epoxy. When it is set file the higher sight back down to bring the impact back up to PoA.
I can do that, but I'd rather something more permanent. For that range I think I need the front sight to be about 1/16" higher. That gets problematic for an add-on.
Your front sight either is pressed in or it is threaded in. Italian 51 Navys or at least the ones I've messed with over the years were pressed in and plucked out easily. Then get you some brass stock close to the same diameter and press you another one in that is taller. I have tapped the hole 6-48 and threaded a steel screw in and dremeled off the head and filed to shape. Tape the front end of your Colt before you bugger it up. Replacing the front sight will bugger your Colt up anyway.

So, in other words, I may as well aim low. This gun belonged to my uncle. I will not dick it up.
Yeah isn't it the pits that when they retooled to make these they did not raise the front sight. All of the current high quality imports are the same way. I just bought a Cimmaron 1860 that is a vision of beauty and quality. However it shot high as heck as well. I we-mailed them and asked why after all of these years no one has ever thought about doing something about this situation. The response was less than rewarding.

I was as you are torn about fileing the hammer. After two trips to the range I double checked that I could get a replacement hammer and headed off to the hardware store. I bought a very fine and reasonably small triangulkar file. I saw on You Tube that you needed to remove the case hardening with a drimel cut off wheel. I held my breath and did this!

I filed the rear notch deeper and although I had not seen it in print another benfit is that as well as deeper it widened so that it is now much easier to get a good sight picture. I took the file to the range and did just a little more fileing. It now shoots a inch and a half high at 25 yards. I did not need to worry about windage as it is right on.

If you remember I posted earlier that I was looking at the Colt's but at the prices that they were getting I was afraid that getting it as a shooter would cost just to much depresiation. Oh well god with your decission. I did a good job fileing and browned thr filed area on the hammer. It looks god and shoots great.

Later! Geo. T.
If you plan on shooting a gun I think you owe it to yourself to sight it in to hit where you're aiming. Front or rear sight, one of them will need alteration if the revolver is to be anything but a display piece. I am getting to the opinion also that the long overhang on the Colt revolver hammers might have been designed in so that a shooter could stone and file it to the needed height. For my own use I believe that a black powder revolver which is sighted in for 25 yards is likely to be much more useful than if it was sighted for 75 yards as the Colts tend to be. But only my own opinion.
Jim C. said:
This gun belonged to my uncle. I will not dick it up.

Unfortunately, this leaves you with basically using vertical Kentucky-windage. The modern copies, Colt's included, copy the originals which were sighted for 75 yards because some general in ordnance thought that a good idea. Perhaps the Walkers and Dragoons were capable of inflicting sufficient trauma at that range but Navies would be marginal, Wild Bill excluded!! :thumbsup:
I have a gunsmith friend of mine working the issue, but he says pretty much the same as all of you. Thanks everyone for trying!
By the way hit You Tube and there are films about fileing these for point of aim. I feel much better now that mine shoot to point of aim and it still looks good. The extra hammer is a good idea. I made sure that they were available before before I put a file to mine. Truly the trama eas not all that bad and far offset by my first two shots touching in the exact center of the 10 ring! Good Luck! Geo. T.
I saw that today, I won't do it on the original hammer but I will on a new one. From what I can see this is a gen 3 revolver.
Yeah the Gen III were made by Uberti. Yoy could call them and ask but I bet it will work. Geo. T.
I have replaced the front sight on a couple colt types, including a "Signature Series" 1860. A much taller sight is needed; almost looks awkward but it is a shooter giving me tight groups.
Also noticed your Charles County Crab as the Avatar. Went through NAVSCOEOD at Indianhead in the early 70's for the Air Force; we were only a few at the time.
Well....that's a problem with the Colts. If all you do is target shoot you can adopt a 6 O'Clock hold for a large bullseye. In most cases just raising the front sight isn't enough. I squared the V notch in the hammer and then put a very small V in the bottom of the square AND added a blade front (dovetail or epoxy glue) that is about as high as the 1873 Peacemaker and that produced a revolver that shoots to point of impact.
Fergetful Jones said:
I have replaced the front sight on a couple colt types, including a "Signature Series" 1860. A much taller sight is needed; almost looks awkward but it is a shooter giving me tight groups.
I've decided to leave it alone. I tried finding a new hammer and no one has them in stock. Weird thing is if I shoot balls it's dead on but high with conicals.

Fergetful Jones said:
Also noticed your Charles County Crab as the Avatar. Went through NAVSCOEOD at Indianhead in the early 70's for the Air Force; we were only a few at the time.
I graduated in 82. Do you know Bob Hunt?

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