Concrete in Flint

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timothy prouty

40 Cal.
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
I picked up some Flint from Amazon and it has concrete in it will that interfere with frizzen or will it chew up the frizzen thanks
I have seen garden walls in England that were made of flint nodules used just as regular rocks & mortared together. IF your flint came from tearing down such a wall, it may well have "concrete" (mortar) on but not in the flint. :hmm:
Flint rock occurs in limestone beds. Your inclusions and coatings are limestone--not concrete.
THANK all's for the info I was confuse because it look like concrete in there it was a light gray I'm just wondering will it still Spark like Flint or should I break up the parts and throw them out I pick up some black English Flint from Amazon it was a 15 lb Rock for 40 bucks
LJA said:
Flint rock occurs in limestone beds. Your inclusions and coatings are limestone--not concrete.
Correct!...and the flint is within the limestone or chalk ....not the other way around....also the limestone or chalk is softer than both the flint and your gun's frizzen.

Concrete is a man made material, it is not found in nature.
Soooooo, finding it in flint is impossible.

Maybe this will help....
Both are essentially "concretions"....the difference being that the flint was formed by microcrystalline silica filling a void within the surrounding material. This filled void becomes a nodule of flint.

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