Conicals in a Uberti-made 1861 Navy?

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40 Cal.
Sep 2, 2008
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I'm seriously thinking of buying a Uberti-made 1861 Navy. Would also like to shoot conicals if I can find one that can easily be seated without canting. The Lyman #358160 looks as though it might work. It's 150gr.


Have any of you tried this one... or found a conical that was easy to load and worked well? Or would I be better off just staying with traditional round ball loads?
You need a mold that will throw a .375 bullet, not .358. The ball or bullet needs to be swaged into the chamber so molds made for modern 38 or 357 revolvers won't work real well.
I don't know about the 1861 but the 1851 had a rather small port, just large enough for a ball or the old type conical that was pointed.
The Colt 1861 Navy looks a lot like a slightly scaled down Colt 1860 Army and both of them have a sizable clearance in front of the cylinder for loading bullets.

Bakeoven Bill is correct.
Dixie Gunworks catalog says the Uberti Colt 1861 Navy chamber diameters are .372.
Any bullet or ball loaded into one of these must be larger than .372 to properly swage in place and seal the chamber.

Undersize bullets not only won't seal the chambers but they won't stay in place when the gun is fired.
Lee makes a Conical bullet mold for the .36 caliber revolvers.

Track of the Wolf has the Lee .375" diameter, 130 grain, Conical revolver mold, double cavity, with handles. Fits most Italian made replica .36 revolvers for $18.50.

I have both the .450 200gr. & the .456 220gr. molds & I've been using the .456's in my modified Pietta '58 with the 5.5" barrel with pretty good accuracy but definitly more punch.

Bullet = .457 143 grain Cast Round Ball .065 BC.
Powder = Goex FFFg black powder.
Primer = Remington #11
5-1/2” Barrel Average Ballistics.
30gr. Volume = 770 fps. 188 ft. Lbs.

Bullet = .456 220 grain Cast Lee conical bullet .138 BC.
Powder = Goex FFFg black powder.
Primer = Remington #11
5-1/2” Barrel Average Ballistics.
30gr. Volume = 702 fps. 240 ft. lbs.
I shoot the 130 grain Lee conical out of my .36's with good results. They load pretty straight and are accurate. I had rotten luck with the Buffalo bullets. They canted every time and I couldn't hit a dang thing with them. I load them off the frame,it's a lot easier.

I tryedx the Buff bullets in my .44 they didn't shoot all that good.
Lee mold slugs are the way to go. as pure lead as can be had.

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