For the exact reasons stated. Some yahoo says my coned barrel shoots the same dismal group as I got offhand, so for the entire rest of the world, it must be a scientific truth that coning does not effect accuracy, no matter what type of barrel, projectile or shooting discipline. So if ten shooters (out of 45,000) say they got the same dismal groups, that reinforces your irrational science? The same folks who look out the window and don't see the earth as a big round ball and for whom the earth is flat everywhere for everyone else on earth.
The "do your own research" folks are the very ones putting forth an untested idea for others to follow and when asked for proof that accuracy is not affected, we get well Caleb shot the same with his rifle when he sighted for deer with a paper plate last fall, and Bubba shot a tad better on July 29 of 2012, so it must be true. With out knowing what rifling, barrel, or any of the other variables that may account for the difference. And even worse when the rifle owner has no clue what barrel he is shooting. You want to challenge conventional thought, then you prove it.