Cool rabbits.

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They would be hard to hit with a rifle.

Brit could! I know he could! Just give him enough ammo 😂
Just kidding Brit.
Years ago my dad worked with a fellow (he was a full blooded Sioux) We went rabbit hunting together he had a ferret would put the weasel down a hole and if there was a rabbit in there it would come out like a rocket funniest thing I ever saw, anyway after about the third rocket rabbit he just looked at me and said boy you gonna shoot or just stand there and laugh.
Nath, that is some very fine rabbit collecting with a .45 smoothie. It would take about five or six of our little desert cottontails to make one of your rabbits (or are they hares?). Ours are so small that the rattlesnakes here can swallow them.
Nath, that is some very fine rabbit collecting with a .45 smoothie. It would take about five or six of our little desert cottontails to make one of your rabbits (or are they hares?). Ours are so small that the rattlesnakes here can swallow them.
Thanks but they are rabbits.
Hares are much larger.
Years ago ( funny now how I always start out with years ago) when deployed on a N.A.T.O. exercise my platoon Sgt. and I was riding in a jeep (no Humvees then) scouting places for gun emplacements, I spied what I thought was a rabbit biggest dam rabbit I ever saw, Sarge gave the once over in true Marine fashion and told me it was a hare, sure looked to me like a rabbit on steroids.
Nath, that is some very fine rabbit collecting with a .45 smoothie. It would take about five or six of our little desert cottontails to make one of your rabbits (or are they hares?). Ours are so small that the rattlesnakes here can swallow them.
The Jackrabbits we have in the desert areas around Phoenix get to be as big as Bret's rabbits but you've got to par-boil them for a couple of hours to soften them up before you actually can get down to frying or baking them. If you don't par-boil them, they are tougher than an old Army boot.
When we get a cool blast arriving from Russia in February one of my favourite pass times is to wrap up warm and stalk any rabbits braving the cold.
In the biting wind and light snow flurries I stalked the briers.
I missed a couple but got a couple.
One around thirty and one at three yards!
None were shot on the wing sorry.
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Some of my fondest memories are of simple family rabbit hunts; my dad, my brother, and my sisters. Back then we used smokeless modern firearms (I know...blasphemy).

Couple years ago I took my dad on a trip back to those hunting grounds, and we spent the day chasing rabbits with a pair of Brown Bess flintlocks. One of the finest days of my life.

Thank you for this thread. :cool:
I am told that this thing is called a "snowshoe" or "varying" hare. Obviously not a jackrabbit (hare?) but not the Easter bunny either. Cottontails are protected up here but the season on these creatures is generous.
The mask buys valuable seconds while hunting.
They are use to seeing a humans face here, they seem to be switched on to it. By covering up they often dont react the same and tolerate me for a few vital seconds more.
Foxs are the same and deer.

I giggle when I see folk with the latest camo jacket on but leave their big white face glowing!

Amen to the mask. I squirrel hunt with a pistol! It makes the difference when you're at spitting distance which is about my range with the revolver.

But I don't use a mask I use face paint. I'll spare you the pictures though! 🤣
But I don't use a mask I use face paint. I'll spare you the pictures though! 🤣

I really think the pioneers would have used charcoal, fat, clay, and other sediments. I have even heard of making their own insect repellant that was put on as a grease. And I know for a fact that some of the frontiersmen painted themselves up and whooped like Indians when fighting off the British.

So in my mind, face paint isn't too far off. I don't wear any modern camo though, and have never really noticed a difference. I stick to the cover that's 95% of the battle right there.
Amen to the mask. I squirrel hunt with a pistol! It makes the difference when you're at spitting distance which is about my range with the revolver.

But I don't use a mask I use face paint. I'll spare you the pictures though! 🤣
A mask is easier to remove and not as scary to any of the wayward masses out walking because they cant go shopping!

Well that was a shock!. That's all I could salvage ( apart from Jess's bits) from Mr B. Buck!

Dont ever think a small bore muzzleloading shotgun is for frail women and small boys!

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