Could have bought a Walker today.

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Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Washington State
We were at the local pawn shop today and I spotted an old Armi Sport Colt Walker in the gun case. Not a looker, certainly a shooter and he only wanted $225.00 and was willing to knock some off the price if I traded a gun for it...
Just don't have the extra capitol this month. My sweeties birthday is this weekend so spending the money on me is out of the question.

I hope it is still in the case in a month...
What about layaway? Small down and payout in a month or so. Can't hurt to ask.

Walkers are the greatest!! A little hard to carry but great to shoot!! My advice- make a phone call ask about layaway - the worse you could hear is no!!

Your going to kick yourself if you wait and loose the chance me thinks! Don't ask me how I know this to be true, it's to painful to recall. Mike D. :rotf:
I had one on the forum and no one wanted to pay 250 for it! I sold it to a friend for 200. I have another I'm keeping. Put some money on it,thats cheap.
Nit Wit
I feel your pain Cynthialee. I have been foaming at the mouth for one of these Walkers for years. In a few years I'll have the Cabelas points to really bring the price down LOL. I've been shooting cap-n-ball pistols for longer than frontiersmen did back in the 1800's. 1977 for me. Shot all of them and owned all of them almost except a Walker or a Dragoon. Even though the Dragoons 1st, 2nd, and 3rd are more practical, it seems the Walker has more appeal.

Hold out, hopefully it'll still be there.

P.S. That's a big 10-4 on takin care of that sweetie!

Just sold my Colt Signature Series Walker. It was a hard decision. As much as I liked it, it stayed in the gun case more than any of my other C&Bs. I shoot them a lot and almost always have one on me if I'm headed to the farm or woods. The 2nd Generation Pocket Models are my favorite. Although, lately I have started carrying my 2nd Generation 1851 Navy again (a lot). I have pre-ban ivory on my 1862 Pocket Police, 1862 Pocket Navy and my 1851 Navy. Recently I acquired second, 2nd Generation 1851 Navy (NIB). Probably use the funds from the Walker to put Ivory on it.
Not sure why the quandry :idunno: since it's always better to give than to receive.

IMO, nuthin' says 'I love you' better than a Birthday Colt Walker. Chances are you'd get to shoot it too.
Good call. :applause: I don't know how long you and your Sweetie have been together but if she is willing to put up with you day in and day out, she disserves something special on these special days. :thumbsup: You can take that to the bank because I have been married to my sweetie for 49 glorious years. :wink: There is only one of her but there are many Colt Walkers. If that Walker doesn't wait, there will be another. Of course, you might be able to work out a deal where you make a small down payment and he will hold it for you. Just a thought. :hmm:
you could say to your sweety words to the effect of"for your birth day I got you a chance to make me happy,"I won't recomennd it,it dosen't work with my sweety
you may want to offer the guy ten or twenty bucks just to hold it for you ... I've done this myself and even though I thought the salesman was going to call the nice young men in their clean white coats, the deal went through and I was able to score a really nice gun.

good luck, and make good smoke!
Miss Cynthialee,
I would put a tenner on the gun and ask for him to hold it !! No deal until coin has changed hands !! Good luck sounds like a real nice piece.



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