Crisco as Patch Lube

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Oct 21, 2004
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Thinking about trying it in the flinter (when it gets here). Does anyone still use it? Does it clean out of the bore easy enough?
I like it better than most of the "high priced" spreads. Use it al the time cleans up easly with windex.
I have used it for a lot of years. Try other lubes but usually go back to the Crisco. I have some of Stumpkillers Moose Snot to try out if it ever stops raining here.
Use the REGULAR stuff, NOT the butter flavored. :nono: Salt in it would be a bad idea.
I've used it on and off for years. Always trying out some new lube recipe lookin' for that "magic" lube. So far, crisco works as well as anything. I'll be taking a tub of it with me tomorrow when I go to the range. I'm out of the latest "magic" lube. Take care and good luck, CJ.
Ol' Vern, Trent, Rebel, and Curly- Thanks for the info. One more crisco question; do you melt it and dip patches in it, squeezing excess out(that's how I've done wonderlube)?.
I use crico in my musket, works great! I melt it in the microwave and pour it into a dixie cup full of patches. once they're saturated, I dump it out in the sink to let them drain and cool. then you're ready to shoot.
I melt some and dip a strip of ticking in it then place it between paper towels and squeeze out the excess. Then roll it up and store it in an empty 35 mm film container. Cut at the muzzle.