Isiah said:
What is your mix for crisco, wax and oil. I've used crisco and wax and have difficulty getting a good softness. I suspect oil helps that?
I use a 1 lb can of crisco, & 1 oz of beeswax, then add 2 or 3 Tablespoons of olive oil, heated and melted/mixed together.
Olive oil may not be necessary, though i think it makes the mixture a little smoother, if that makes sense.
The beeswax helps keep the crisco firm in hot weather so its not real messy & it stays soft enough its not super hard in cold weather. (though i prelube & cut my patch material)
ive found this is about the right mix for patches but if lubing maxiballs or similar, more beeswax can be added to firm up the concoction even more.
start with a small amount of beeswax, and remelt your mix if you think its too soft, easier to add it than take it out if you get too much, but for me the above mix seems about right in consistancy.
Be sure to do all this in a double boiler arrangement too, & let it air cool. forcing it to cool faster in the fridge seems to cause a little seperation.