Usually, strong grain or pattern doesn't compliment any carving in a small space. This lid seemed to work. Sorry for the poor photo - the wood and horn are quite glossy.
Usually, strong grain or pattern doesn't compliment any carving in a small space. This lid seemed to work. Sorry for the poor photo - the wood and horn are quite glossy.
That is one fine piece that you have made there and the craftsmanship on the top really sets it off!
I can just picture in my mind a story to go with it, the story would start off something like this. Chapter 1
He had been warned that they would have to be traveling light and that he was responsible for everything he could carry on his back.
Once he joined the expedition and the others he would no longer be in charge, rather only another member of the company. He was looking forward to that moment,as he just wanted to blend into something and not stand out.
As he packed his worldly belongings his mind began to drift off from the task at hand. He looked at the box in his hand.
It had been left to him by his mother when she had passed from this world. Her untimely death in his early years had greatly effected him.
However the recent passing of his father, shortly after the marking of his seventeenth year had truly affected his outlook on life, some would say not always in the best of ways!
He had no reason to stay in the city, anymore. He had sold the family business left to him by his father.
His father had been his rock after his mother died and had schooled him in not only a scholarly way but in the ways of the woods. His father had grown up on a small farm near here and was well versed in the ways of nature!
That loss had been the one factor to push him into such a journey as he was about to undertake.Many of his father's friends had tried to talk him out of this folly as they called it. However Bret saw this as his destiny.
His hunger to see the vast open country of the unsettled west was calling him. For years he had drank in any and all information he could learn about the wilderness and had tried too convince his father that was where they needed to go.
He was scheduled to set out in the morrow's pre-dawn light! The trapping/trader expedition he had signed in for would be headed to a jumping off spot as they called it, St. Louis.
He was too deliver the supplies he procured from the sale of the family business to a man named, Manuel Lisa.
Then he would be paid for his part. The expedition would then add more supplies to the inventory and then he would accompany the supply train into western territory as a trapper/trader member of the expedition!
All and all he had been told it would be an expedition of approximately 50 plus men and all the supply animals. It all seemed a great new adventures chapter too his life was about to begin. The knot in his stomach reminded him that the first leg of this trip, was not going to be easy. As he had only been able to find and hire a couple of men to help him to get his supplies to the jumping off spot.
He had reservations about the scar faced man he hired for the trip. Something in the man's eyes told him not to turn his back on the man!
A sudden noise in the street snapped him back too the moment at hand and he looked once again upon the box he held in his hand. The noise had been a gunshot and............
OK so I didn't say it was a great story!
Like I said a fine looking box, that sort of speaks too you! :thumbsup: :wink:
The whole idea of posting my work is not to show any expertise (or lack thereof) but to share ideas. Whether it inspires another piece of wood or horn work or a story, it's still very rewarding. Thanks.
Sorry... it's not going to inspire me 'cause I just don't have the skills to make something that. I sure can enjoy looking at it though! I love curly maple and it looks just fine with that carving. Nice work!