CVA Mountain Stalker Broken nipple advice

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Feb 22, 2008
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This morning I was getting ready to go to the range with my CVA 50 cal Mountain Stalker as muzzle loader season opens in a few weeks and when I was putting the nipple in the drum the nipple snapped off leaving the threads in the drum. When I looked at where it snapped I could see that the nipple had been cracked as there was some black residue where the nipple broke.

I am looking for some advice on how to remove the broken part of the nipple from the drum. The broken nipple is below the surface of the drum so there is nothing to grab on to. Is there a tool that I can get to do this or is it just a drill and "easy out" process??


I would go the "easy out" method..............but first soak it with AeroKroil Oil or Coke Cola (regular not diet). The Coke Cola works great on stubborn stuck parts, just think what it does to your body :shocked2: .
After soaking for a coupla days in Kroil or other good penetrating oil, I would get in there with a hardened scratch awl and a light hammer.Place the point of the awl on the periphery of the remains of the nipple and tap it with a light hammer to back it out. The awl should be on a tangent to the circumference of the hole. I use this method for removing worn liners with no screw slot, with very good results.

Go slow, use light taps, increasing in weight once the point of the awl makes an impression in the nipple.
Thanks guys. I got it out with a #2 easy out. I have never had and "easy" experience with an easy out, until today. Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket.

Thanks again,

-----if today is that lucky--hows come you broke your nipple today ?----- :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: