Don Viens was retired a Navy Chief and a gunmaker. He passed away quite a number of years ago and lived in Winchester, VA. He was an original member of Daniel Morgan's Riflemen and attended reenactments and rendezvous as a member including going from Winchester to Quebec in 75. He claimed that the rifle shown in the early Dixie catalogs being held by Turner and another was built by him and got credited to another. He had built his first rifles back in the 50s. Originally from Mass. and was friends with Leonard Day which is where I met Leonard. He was active building rifles and a few pistols from his retirement (70s) up into the 90s or perhaps later and was quite well known. I have no knowledge of how many guns he built but I do know he wouldn't build for someone he didn't like. I doubt the lock was custom made but he would modify a lock (including Dixie) to suite his needs. All the work including engraving was his.
Some of you old timers who have a trophy from our annual Apple Blossom Rifle Frolic should know that Don designed and carved the masters and made the molds for the parts of the trophies we made.
We would love to see photos of the pistol and hear the story of how you got it and where you are from. Its quite possible I have held that pistol.