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Deer have gone nocturnal

Muzzleloading Forum

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50 Cal.
Apr 15, 2007
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Well, we are having some warmer weather here in Texas - the bucks are not showing up until after dark and in the wee hours of the morning

Hoping a cold front blows through and snaps them back to a more day time schedule

Just wondering if anyone has had any luck when warm weather hits getting deer to move in the day time :thumbsup:
Well now if the warm weather causes them to shift to night and cold brings them to days they should be around soon it was 05 this AM and 12 yesterday,,got up to 25 today they were safe I stayed next to the stove with the door open ,,figured when the come in to get warm,,they were mine ha ha ha ha Moon looking better cause today was the last day for modern rifle,,next two weeks
B/P in some areas,where I live,is one.. Was a time when I'd be out there on snowshoes and loving it ,,got 14" of snow to go with the cold ,,,
S.kenton said:
Deer around my area go nocturnal more so from hunting stress than the weather conditions.

I'm thinking they are more nocturnal in warmer weather because they have their winter coats on, so move during the cool night vs heat of day. ?

I agree that in general, it's pressure that makes bucks go nocturnal, but warm weather once they have a winter coat also tends to keep them down in daylight.
Hmmm - Not sure pressure explaination applies in this case since I hunt on my training lease - 88 acres that have me and dogs all over it all the time - deer were coming up to feeders in the daylight morning and afternoon before the weather warmed up - we had a snap of about 10 days that it was pretty cool for Texas
In general, deer movement and feeding times are tied into the moon phases, although not all deer follow the rules. Weather and rut are also factors. Deer will move and feed just before and just after a weather front comes through. This is instinctive for them. They want to eat before a stormy condition comes in, then lay up. After the front passes, they want to eat to make up for the time spent riding out bad weather. Even if the front is just a cold front, it brings wind which they in general do not like, as there is too much movement of vegetation. But as mentioned, not all of them play by the rules. Usually those that don't are younger animals. The older deer have more patience in sitting out unfavorable conditions. Usually.
I hunted Alabama for 23+ seasons and when a warm spurt came after the deer got their winter coats, you couldn't find a deer ... unless you went duck hunting in the swamps. The deer were all bedded in 6" deep water near blowdowns.

Put on a pair of waders and hit the swamps.
I hunted last weekend in unusually warm and windy weather. I didn't expect to see much, but saw more deer, including some nice bucks, than I have all season.

I hunted pretty much all day, and saw deer moving at any hour.
The Illinois gun season was just the weekend before, and usually puts a damper on deer movement.

I saw most of the deer in thick brush areas.
Well, back to moving some - GF was successful in bagging a doe :thumbsup: