I haven't used Boric acid but it sounds interesting. I know I have a container of the dry acid powder around here some place.
I know that most of our members don't have Angier's book, "Firearm Blueing and Browning"© December, 1936, but I do so I'll quote what he says about Boric acid on page 139:
"4. Boric acid. This is a specially excellent, mild matting and through derusting agent. According to the author's experience, a 6 to 10% solution is very suitable for derusting on account of the small solubility of the acid, gentle warming of the bath (30° to 50°C. = 85-120°F.) is recommended at which temperatures of the concentration given are nearly those of saturation. As a matting agent, boric acid is specially recommendable for light matting, leaving a very fine, delicate dull surface on finer parts.
It's action is slower than that of most derustants (boric is a weak acid at ordinary temperature) but it thoroughly clears away the thickest rust and only affects the cleaned surfaces to a minimum extent" in addition to this, the derusted parts are less inclined to after-rust than with most other derustants."