I'll pile on, that is superb. Now I'm thinking if I can strip, stripe and refinish mine to look that good. You did a great job, for sure!
I re-worked my GPR extensively, too. Nice look on your striping! Best of luck.First I took out some of the hook on the butt. I heated up the butt plate and bent it in a 1/4 inch. I also had to cut the bottom metal to fit the new shape of the butt plate. Took off some wood to fit the newly shaped butt and presto much more comfortable. I took the lock and trigger all apart and polished everything that had metal to metal touching.
Really made a big difference even without the set trigger pulled it's super smooth and brakes like glass. I bedded the tang and the first 3 inches of the barrel. I then got a wild hair up my A _ _ and maybe a shot or two of old Jack Daniel's..Sooo I refinished and striped the stock.
I took some snare wire and wrapped the stock up and took a butane torch and burned some stripes in. I then wet sanded with 600 grit and dark walnut stain. I proceeded with 6 coats of danish oil, I still haven't decided if I will just wax and buff or tru oil over the danish oil. I really like the look though and it feels so much better with the butt reshaped. View attachment 68151
I did that with mine before I ever fired a round out of the gun. I also replaced the flash hole liner with one of RMC's. I then had the lock CCH by Jack Brooks in Denver. Gun shoots very well and I like it. Although I havent done anything to the stock but yours looks greatI replaced the stock lock with an L&R lock and it's so much better. Shoots well too.
Fist strip the finish off take some wire and wrap the stock with it. Leave some gaps. Run a torch over it when you torch the wood don't stay too long in one spot. Take a maroon scotch pad at rub it down. Stain and finish the way you want. Maybe this video will help you.
Yes 18 ga wire any will work.Did you say 18 ga wire or will other gauges work as well
Watco Danish Oil and minwax dark walnut stainWhat brand of danish oil and walnut stain did you use