Different types of caps

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Colt ‘51 & Remington ‘58 .36; Colt ‘48 .31
May 13, 2023
Reaction score
Perry Hall, Maryland
I am really afraid this thread could go off the rails but here goes….
I have some Rem 10 and 11 caps, which never ever fail me. lately i bought a bunch of CCI 11 from Cabelas.
Today I went to range and here what i found…
Lots of misfires with CCI. My Colt 51 .36 Navy is semi-ok with CCI. But still prefer the Rems. What do i mean, Rems fire instant, the CCI have a delayed ignition sometimes and seem to fall apart after firing falling off the nipples.
My 48 Colt .31 hates them. A lot of misfires, cap jams (no cap jams with Rems). I picked off some CCI misfires and found no powder in the caps.
Am i the only one that found CCI inferior to Remington caps?
This was my experience at the range today, if yours is different dont get nasty and tell me its my pistol, its not. Shot over 1,000 rounds with Remington. Its the caps.
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I am really afraid this thread could go off the rails but here goes….
I have some Rem 10 and 11 caps, which never ever fail me. lately i bought a bunch of CCI 11 from Cabelas.
Today I went to range and here what i found…
Lots of misfires with CCI. My Colt 51 .36 Navy is semi-ok with CCI. But still prefer the Rems. What do i mean, Rems fire instant, the CCI have a delayed ignition sometimes and seem to fall apart after firing falling off the nipples.
My 48 Colt .31 hates them. A lot of misfires, cap jams (no cap jams with Rems). I picked off some CCI misfires and found no powder in the caps.
Am i the only one that found CCI inferior to Remington caps?
This was my experience at the range today, if yours is different dont get nasty and tell me its my pistol, its not. Shot over 1,000 rounds with Remington. Its the caps.
Interesting that you mention CCI #11 caps as I have had misfires from a couple tins I bought a month or so ago at a gun shop. I would say about 1 in five failed in my CVA Kentucky .50 cal. which slams pretty hard on the nipple. Some caps would go off if I struck it twice. It's possible a poor storage environment might be a factor by the distributor or the gun shop I purchased them . Who knows? I switched over to using the RWS 1075 #11 caps in my .50 cal. single shot with no misfires. Like you, the Remington #10 caps in all my BP revolvers fire every time.
I have come across about 1500 #10 CCI caps which happen to fit my Pietta original nipples nicely. I have not yet had a misfire. You speak of trying many caps but all on the same nipples? You have to find a combination of nipple/cap that works. Not all caps are sized the same and not all nipples are made the same. It may be true that CCI has a quality issue as of late but I think that the nipple/cap combination may be at issue.
I have always had good luck with Rem 10 and CCI 11's. Rem 11's have a short skirt on them (shorter than the two I just mentioned) and from what I've seen and read elsewhere are notorious for falling off the nipple after firing due to the metal skirt really splitting, falling where not wanted. I haven't bought or used them for a loooong time.

Rem 10's have the longest skirt followed by CCI 11's. I do use the CCI 11's on occasion mostly because I have around a 1000 of them yet. CCI 10's have the smallest internal diameter of all that are available, plus a shorter skirt than CCI 11's. I bought 500 of them 20 years ago and they fit nothing I had in the stable, except sorta on a Peitta Remington cylinder I bought from another guy. Still have around 475 of them. They seat very very hard.

RWS 1075's are good, similar in to CCI 11's, use them once in a while also as I bought 1000 of em at sorta of an estate sale. IMO Rem 10's fit best on the high mayority of factory and after market nipples, there are a few exceptions, but not many. Have never had any misfires with any to speak of or that I can recall. There may have been one or two over the years but none I can recall the incident of.
I cannot understand why Vista stopped making Remington no 10's--and why the new owners are not turning them out. Someone needs to copy the Remington specs and bring back a knock off of the Remington no.10 cap with the longer skirt.
Vista Outdoors is making the CCI no 11-- but not producing the traditional handgun caps in No 10. If I am wrong please correct me. AND if anyone knows where Remington 10's can be had please inform me. (at a sane price)Thanks
I've read on another forum that Vista was producing Rem 10's in some capacity and have heard that some shooters/forum members were buying them in their area of residence. There was some copy of a Vista news article that indicated they were producing but would take them awhile to meet the demand and get them to the point where they were in stock across the whole U.S. and elsewhere. Sort of like when 22 LR ammo was scarce and after a while store shelves could be seen stocked 24/7 with them after production met previous levels. Give em a call and see what they say.
Years ago it was said that Remington caps were bad and CCI were good. To be honest I never noticed a quality issue when people were complaining then.

I'm still shooting red box and blue box Dixie caps, I have some Remington and CCI caps. I have not had an issue with any of them, some are 40 years old.
its very batch specific. the cci caps have batch numbers on the side of the can and I have experienced batches that really stunk.
I am really afraid this thread could go off the rails but here goes….
I have some Rem 10 and 11 caps, which never ever fail me. lately i bought a bunch of CCI 11 from Cabelas.
Today I went to range and here what i found…
Lots of misfires with CCI. My Colt 51 .36 Navy is semi-ok with CCI. But still prefer the Rems. What do i mean, Rems fire instant, the CCI have a delayed ignition sometimes and seem to fall apart after firing falling off the nipples.
My 48 Colt .31 hates them. A lot of misfires, cap jams (no cap jams with Rems). I picked off some CCI misfires and found no powder in the caps.
Am i the only one that found CCI inferior to Remington caps?
This was my experience at the range today, if yours is different dont get nasty and tell me its my pistol, its not. Shot over 1,000 rounds with Remington. Its the caps.
I have discovered that different caps fit the cone taper differently and if to snug then the first hammer impact seats them onto the nipple and the second strike ignites them. Same deal when the nipples get fouled and snug caps don't seat properly. This is where a strong hammer spring pays dividends.
My remedy has been to use a stiff tooth brush and give each nipple a brushing between cap ups and to turn the offending nipple tapers down a bit while held in an electric drill motor until the caps used fit well.
I prefer a cap a bit loose on a clean nipple requiring a bit of pinch to make them stay on and a strong hammer spring to keep them on and sealing back blast until cylinder rotation where they fall off to the side and not get sucked back by the hammer nose to fall in the action.
I believe a good hammer spring and properly dressed hammer nose negates the need for action shields and cap posts. My Walker may change my thinking on this but time and some work on the gun will tell.
After the first shot the nipple will foul and the caps will stay on better.
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Crappy Caps Incorporated puts out junk.
So, you're saying the man's a liar? Really? I can only guess he made up the whole story just so you get the satisfaction of calling him a liar.
Springer was being sarcastic, I believe.
He has been known to express his disappointment with CCI in the past.
I think that's what he did in his comment.
Sometimes New Guys misunderstand a comment, because they haven't been on the Forum for very long, and aren't familiar with the people.
Maybe that's what happened here.

But calling out someone without knowing all of the history could be considered poor form.

However, jumping to the defense of Captain Vane could be considered commendable.

So, poor form or commendable? Point of View makes all the difference, as can be seen here. :dunno:

I think I'll go fix a sandwich, and then bring Peace to the Middle East... :ghostly:
I think they are worse than they even used to be. I have always shot cci caps mostly, and others too, but mostly cci magnums. No real complaints really. They are what were carried locally mostly. However my girlfriend and I just recently bought a good quantity of regular cci #11’s. Mostly to use in our c&b revolvers. I literally just had to go through the tins because we couldn’t get a cap to fire from the first tin. Started opening, well trying to, as they are rusted internally, the tins , and found most of them are no good. Smell strongly of acetone or something and appear to be or have been moist at some point. About 800 so far. Just left a message with cci. Guess we will see. Out quite a bit of cash unfortunately. I would imagine that I am not the only one experiencing this. We bought them from natchez. The code on the tins is A19E301. Very tarnished looking also. Sorry to rant...
If you bought that many caps and paid the Hazemat, I'd be calling Natchez also. What happened to you would be like buying 100# of T-bone steak online and having it arrive spoiled. Had that happen with some chicken once, called the outfit and they sent a like order plus more. (UPS shipment got mired during the Chinese Flu bit back in a hot summer spell of 2020 and heavy styrofoam lined box with dry ice in it got delayed to long).
If you bought that many caps and paid the Hazemat, I'd be calling Natchez also. What happened to you would be like buying 100# of T-bone steak online and having it arrive spoiled. Had that happen with some chicken once, called the outfit and they sent a like order plus more. (UPS shipment got mired during the Chinese Flu bit back in a hot summer spell of 2020 and heavy styrofoam lined box with dry ice in it got delayed to long).
Definitely going to call them too. They are a great outfit and have always been great to buy from.
October 2022, a little over a year ago, all Bass Pro stores had tons of Remington #10. For about 2 weeks. Since then, none. They went quick. You could also order and have them shipped at that time.