texan said:
A recently written post of mine brought up the topic of swabing the barrel between shots. Why? I use T/C's natural lube. I thought that by using this natural lube (on a patched round ball) I wouldn't need to swab, because the patch pushed all the fouling to the bottom with each reload. In fact T/C advertises that you can fire hundreds of shots without cleaning your barrel because the fouling is removed with each reload. For those of you that do swab between shots, why do you do it, and how do you do it? With a patch and jag? For those of you who don't swab, how do you avoid fouling, and do you worry about unextinguished embers remaining?
Taylor in Texas
I hate wasting time wiping between shots...I shoot a 40-50 shot ranage session most every Saturday morning year round and 99% of the time I never wipe between shots because I use Natural Lube 1000 in the bore and on patches.
However, I have found that on dry, very low humidity days in the winter time (here in NC) and I'm using patches without enough Natural Lube 1000 on them, I have to wipe between every 8-10 shots.
I fix that problem one of two ways:
1) I melt more lube into the patches using a microwave.
2) Or, I sprinkle some drops of Hoppe's No9 BP Plus onto a stack of patches already prelubed with NL1000...this works so well and is so much easier than all the microwave business that it's the winter time approach I've now adopted...it's really only a few cold dry Saturdays a year, but it let's me keep shooting without wiping between shots.
PreMature Ignition
I always keep a muzzle leaning away from my face & head while shooting & reloading...but have never had a hint of a premature charge just from pouring powder down a bore soon after a shot...I've even tried leaning the rifle against the bench, and immediately poured in the next charge while smoke is still boiling up out of the bore as fast as I could for an entire range session...barrel got so hot I couldn't hold it but there were no ill effects otherwise.
But having said that, even if I don't need to wipe from a fouling point of view...I can't and won't argue with the probable benefit of wiping a bore to eliminate even the remote possibility of a premature ignition from any residual combustion activity down there...