Do you use your flintlock for all seasons?

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Greg Blackburn

40 Cal.
Sep 23, 2012
Reaction score
In 1999 I actually used my CVA Bobcat caplock for rifle season along with muzzleloader season. I'd like to do that with my flintlocks next year.

Does anyone use their flintlocks for rifle season?
I have used a flintlock rifle during all of the legal firearms deer seasons for the last 10 years.

I hunt in northern lower Michigan.
Absolutely, why use anything else! Sometimes I will cheat and use a percussion during the regular season though.
I used my flintlock in October to take a nice doe during the Iowa Early Muzzleloader Season. I'm using it now for the 1st Season Shotgun, and will be using it to try and fill my buck tag during the Late Muzzleloader Season later this month. Headed out soon now this morning to get on stand!! Greg :)
I did for a long time but lately I have gotten back to centerfires a bit more. Mostly because of a new stand location at the intersection of a gas pipeline and a long driveway I own. I will still do the flint season though for sure.
My modern rifle hasn't seen the woods in about 15 years. Even then I only took it because I had been giving my sister-in-law a deer for Christmas for many years and was down to the wire, about out of time. I took my modern rifle, killed a deer for her and put the rifle up, it has been gathering dust ever since.

I don't plan to go modern anymore, If I come up short and need a deer, I call one of my serious deer hunter friends and ask them to kill one for me.

One can kill 3 does a day where we hunt so I usually have a deer in the driveway in a couple of days.
It's rifle season now, where I am and I am headed out to my favorite spot with my .54 flinter. Previously it was (still is) squirrel season, and I used my 20 gauge flintlock, trade gun. When the deer season closes, I will return to the woods with either the trade gun or my .40, again for squirrels, and perhaps rabbits.

Because of my work, I don't get to hunt during our state's rifle deer season much anymore. I hunt with a bow in the archery season (typically a recurve, but I cheated this year because of a lack of time to practice) and I hunt a lot in the late flintlock season to fill the freezer. Over the last several years if I did get out during the second week of rifle season, I always took a flintlock. I killed a nice doe last year in our rifle season with the flintlock and will probably hunt exclusively with flintlocks when I retire and can enjoy the deer seasons a bit more.
That's great guys, very inspiring!

I do not have much in the way of "modern hunting rifles" but I do have a couple of Remington Model 8's (pre-1936 designs) and a couple of Winchester 94. I only use a Browning Auto 5 for squirrels.....

But this is encouraging, I am glad I am not alone in my desire to hunt deer with a flintlock and in all seasons I can.
Since I started hunting Virginia's early and late MLer seasons, I have carried my flintlock most of the time IF the weather cooperated( 3 rack bucks and a longbeard with 4 shots, all with flintlocks). This year I carried my flintlock for Pennsylvania's regular season opener(buck only in that area), and filled my tag again. I MAY get to do a little more hunting in Virgina, and it will be with the flintlock if its not raining.

Flintlock success is very gratifying.
Pretty much all I've used in 25 years. Other than one season in MO that I used my Grandfather's 243 that I inherited on his passing. That was a sort of Memorial hunt with it. Took a buck and it's been in the cabinet since. One year in PA I used a revolver just for something different since I had never taken a deer with one. Actually, I have not even hunted the regular PA rifle season the last 6-7 years since I dropped out of the family deer camp. I just hunt the early and late PA muzzleloader/flintlock seasons. But even before that I hunted the regular season with a flint.
yes, use my tulle during bird season loaded with No. 8 shot, use same 20-gauge in rifle season with .60 caliber patched round ball and same gun with no. 5 shot for turkeys. graybeard
I hunt all seasons and all game with a flintlock. Started doing this many years ago when I lived in Georgia. If I ever backslide it will be with a percussion; but I won't hold my breath.
thats all i have used for years. don't even own a CF and haven't for a long time.
I'm kicking myself for not using the flinter on the opening day of rifle. Shot a nice 8 point (biggest I've ever shot) with a suppository gun and was kind of disappointed. I had the .50 along but opted for the center fire for some reason. The center fire just doesn't do it for me anymore. I think that was the last center fire deer for me.
I am fortunate to live in a State where you can use a muzzleloader during rifle season. I frequently do that too, and especially when I don't draw a ML license.
I live in western Pa and only hunt deer. I can't remember seeing a deer that I could shoot at that was over 100 yards in many years. A flint rifle is all that is needed at those ranges. I took a deer this year with a cartridge rifle for the first time in many years; 68 of my paces. I did appreciate the scope though. LOL.

Our special flint season opens the day after Christmas and I am on vacation until Jan. 3rd. The Deerstaker .54 is patiently waiting in the corner.