Dont forget your powder.

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Let us know how the wife thing works out.

I'd be lying if I said "I'm not scared." Never been married before, never engaged, never lived with (or had one live with me) a girlfriend. She is very pro-gun and pro-hunting......I wouldn't have spoken with her if she wasn't. Last thing I will put up with is someone moving in telling me what I have to give up. LOL

When a friend told me "his wife is very anti gun" I told him, "get a new wife." LOL


I once got to the gun range only to find I had forgotten my ear plugs! I stayed calm, looked around the benches, and found an unopened pack of ear plugs. :ThankYou: I shot well that day.
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I an not quite as bad, but I have driven to my club, only 25 miles and brought the wrong gun and balls! a 75 CAL. BROWN BESS & a bag of .620 RB'S ! UGH !!
I'd be lying if I said "I'm not scared." Never been married before, never engaged, never lived with (or had one live with me) a girlfriend. She is very pro-gun and pro-hunting......I wouldn't have spoken with her if she wasn't. Last thing I will put up with is someone moving in telling me what I have to give up. LOL

When a friend told me "his wife is very anti gun" I told him, "get a new wife." LOL


I once got to the gun range only to find I had forgotten my ear plugs! I stayed calm, looked around the benches, and found an unopened pack of ear plugs. :ThankYou: I shot well that day.
I hope she has “that New Wife smell” for many years!
I have done that more than once. But hey now I always leave a 1/4 pound of powder and assorted shot,ball flints in the vehicle during hunting season. Works wonders till you almost cross the Canadian,American border with it 😂
I got to the airport and was going through the scanner when I notice I had a handful of .22 bullets in my jacket pocket that I was carrying over my shoulder. We had been rabbit hunting the day before. They looked at me and I said, "Don't ask, just throw them away. I literally dodged a bullet - no pun intended.
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No way would I knowingly marry anyone opposed to self defense. In the past I've dated such (and was armed every date, ha ha!), but I stopped doing that in 2012. Since 2012, I've turned down two dates when the lady demanded I show up unarmed. I simply replied, "well, we don't have to go out. Best of luck to you in life."
I got to the airport and was going through the scanner when I notice I had a handful of .22 bullets in my jacket pocket that I was carrying over my shoulder. They looked at me and I said, "Don't ask, just throw them away. I literally dodged a bullet - no pun intended.

Ya you got lucky there! Some ******* could have hauled you into the back of a cruiser.

I got held up by the only effective airport security I came across during my trek to and from the subcontinent in 1997. Back then I carried folding scissors, which are a very effective defensive tool, one I nearly used a few times while there. Pat down prior to boarding the flight in Calcutta revealed those. Guard didn't speak English and I didn't speak Hindi, but I acted like I was trimming my fingernails. Guard became excited, nodded his head many times, smiled, and patted me on the back. I boarded, folding scissors in right front pocket.

On my trip into Japan in 2018, clerk pointed to my holstered Streamlight flashlight. I withdrew it, kept it pointed down, turned it on. Clerk got excited, smiled, seemed happy. I reholstered and continued my journey.

I guess it could function as a kubaton, although that is not part of my defensive doctrine. Once you begin to carry a flashlight, daily, you will wonder just how you lived so long without one.
I an not quite as bad, but I have driven to my club, only 25 miles and brought the wrong gun and balls! a 75 CAL. BROWN BESS & a bag of .620 RB'S ! UGH !!
Toot, it could have been worse, with enough patches stuffed around the ball, you could still shoot it where the reverse would have been impossible. I was shooting my Bess and ran out of balls, The guy next to me gave me some .677's and I finished the match by using three and eventually two patches as the bore fouled. My understanding was that this was standard procedure with the British during the late "Unpleasantries" between our two countries.
I drill a small hole through the strap of my bag and horn, at the shoulder. I run a pipe cleaner through them and give 'em a twist. They stay together no matter how stupid I want to be.....:doh:

I'd be lying if I said "I'm not scared." Never been married before, never engaged, never lived with (or had one live with me) a girlfriend. She is very pro-gun and pro-hunting......I wouldn't have spoken with her if she wasn't. Last thing I will put up with is someone moving in telling me what I have to give up. LOL

When a friend told me "his wife is very anti gun" I told him, "get a new wife." LOL


I once got to the gun range only to find I had forgotten my ear plugs! I stayed calm, looked around the benches, and found an unopened pack of ear plugs. :ThankYou: I shot well that day.
Any woman worth her salt may not like it agree with your hobbies, but is willing to accept them as part of the package. Any woman who doesn't, or expects you to give something up, is best left at the curb while you find a new girlfriend.

My wife doesnt exactly like guns but she knew going into the relationship thst those items are part of the package. I respect her point of view and she respects mine. She doesn't tell me what to do, and I don't tell her either.

Marriage is a compromise. The day it becomes a dictatorship is the day it's over.
Thanks for the advice.

My girlfriend expects to carry once she is here (she's a foreign national) and her favorite gun, from the pictures she has seen, is the S&W 1911 PC round butt. It's got to be too big for her tiny hands but I wonder if the Browning 1911 .380 is a better fit......she loves the Black Label version and so do I.
I drill a small hole through the strap of my bag and horn, at the shoulder. I run a pipe cleaner through them and give 'em a twist. They stay together no matter how stupid I want to be.....:doh:

View attachment 44228
a rely great idea! as a lot of us, me included are in the age group that can't remember stuff.
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I'd be lying if I said "I'm not scared." Never been married before, never engaged, never lived with (or had one live with me) a girlfriend. She is very pro-gun and pro-hunting......I wouldn't have spoken with her if she wasn't. Last thing I will put up with is someone moving in telling me what I have to give up. LOL

When a friend told me "his wife is very anti gun" I told him, "get a new wife." LOL


I once got to the gun range only to find I had forgotten my ear plugs! I stayed calm, looked around the benches, and found an unopened pack of ear plugs. :ThankYou: I shot well that day.
Many of us old-timers used to use cigarette filters for ear plugs. One day my Dad who was a duck hunter forgot he had his in after a hunt and went into the little store near where we lived in the Settlement. He noticed children pointing and laughing and when he got to the counter the girl asked 'What is that in your EARS?' Dad said,. 'You have to speak up, quit mumbling!' By that time the local constable (a personal friend of Dad's) happened in and grabbed his shoulder and pulled out one of Dad's ear plugs. Well, he like to have never lived it down, but he was a good duck hunter and he and Uncle Theo shared a lot of game with folks, so it was all good.
My powder horn is attached to the straps of my pouch.

Leaving any behind is not in my nature, 25+ years of checking my equipment EVERY time I went on duty was mandatory. Anyone on my crew that did not would be severely admonished. Offenders would not be tolerated by anybody in my firehouse.

That type of training and response also leads to everything else in IMHO.

Assuming you checked your stuff is bad. Wife if she was into survival should have made you come home and get it. Myself I would have been embarrass to ask her to bring it to me. Mine would have laughed at me for asking.

Any time I screwed up like that I sure would not post it in writing. But that is just me.
Many of us old-timers used to use cigarette filters for ear plugs. One day my Dad who was a duck hunter forgot he had his in after a hunt and went into the little store near where we lived in the Settlement. He noticed children pointing and laughing and when he got to the counter the girl asked 'What is that in your EARS?' Dad said,. 'You have to speak up, quit mumbling!' By that time the local constable (a personal friend of Dad's) happened in and grabbed his shoulder and pulled out one of Dad's ear plugs. Well, he like to have never lived it down, but he was a good duck hunter and he and Uncle Theo shared a lot of game with folks, so it was all good.
cigarette filters! now you are really bringing up the past. I hadn't thought about using them in 60+ years. thanks for
the memories!
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My powder horn is attached to the straps of my pouch.

Leaving any behind is not in my nature, 25+ years of checking my equipment EVERY time I went on duty was mandatory. Anyone on my crew that did not would be severely admonished. Offenders would not be tolerated by anybody in my firehouse.

That type of training and response also leads to everything else in IMHO.

Assuming you checked your stuff is bad. Wife if she was into survival should have made you come home and get it. Myself I would have been embarrass to ask her to bring it to me. Mine would have laughed at me for asking.

Any time I screwed up like that I sure would not post it in writing. But that is just me.

Its not that big a deal. I have a good wife, and we are all human. No one is immune from mistakes. No need to be so hard on oneself, and it does one good to admit to being fallable sometimes.
Well, this past weekend my son wanted me to go help him sight in his rifle (modern) as he is going elk hunting. I was showing his wife, (my daughter in law) my black powder pistols and she fell in love with the little TC Patriot. So when we went out, I told her I would bring it along and let her shoot it. I quickly gathered my stuff, shoved it in my shooting bag and away we went. After sighting in the rifle, I got out the pistol, dumped a trickle of powder down the barrel and fired a clearing shot. I hadn't shot it for a couple of years. I affixed a target to a box and walked out about 25-30 yards and returned. Once I started to load I realized one thing I had forgotten to bring in my haste to get out of the house - my powder measure. Looking around on the ground for any type of spent cartridge case all I could see were .22 cases and some .223 shells. Fortunately my son also had his .45 ACP and I told him to fire off a shot and give me the casing. I'm not sure how many grains of FFFG it held, but the little .45 caliber TC Patriot shot just fine. It has now become my daughter in law's favorite gun - as long as I load it.
Me and my wife took a vacation day today so we could go try out my new (to me) rifle that I bought off of this forum. We went to an unstaffed conservation range about an hour away, a little far but we like it there and we figured there wouldn't be very many people there on a Monday morning. Got all the way there and there's a sign.. "Closed MONDAYS" Arrrrhhhh!
Good stuff here, made me laugh and smile.

There was a Brazilian girl I was head-of-heels crazy about until I told her about a hunting trip I went on and she went ballistic!

She was fine eating hamburgers, chicken, fish, etc. but God forbid you kill it yourself. :p
Good stuff here, made me laugh and smile.

There was a Brazilian girl I was head-of-heels crazy about until I told her about a hunting trip I went on and she went ballistic!

She was fine eating hamburgers, chicken, fish, etc. but God forbid you kill it yourself. :p
That's because, as most people know, hamburger, chicken and fish come out of a great big machine that makes a chugging noise while it poops out packages of stuff to send to the store to sell. It has a big dial on the front that says "Hamburger", "Steak", "Chicken", "Fish" and "Shrimp".

It sits right next to the other big machine that has a dial on the front that says, "Green Beans", "Green Peas", "Lima Beans", "Corn", "Broccoli" and a rarely used position that says, "Brussels Sprouts". You have to go out back to find the little machine that says, "Okra". 🤣 o_O:)