Oh man..I would NEVER make my own powder,and I'm that guy who gets away with everything crazy I try..I live in Dupont,Pa..Named after IE Dupont explosives Co..[Formerly Smithville..] There were explosions there once a year for decades that took MANY lives,some were friends fathers..Closed now,they made Dynamite,Nitro,& black Powder..I was coming back from woodchuck hunting one night with my dad & my cousin Ray,maybe 1971? All three of us sitting in the front seat of dad's '61 Studebaker Lark Station Wagon..Where we were on a backroad,all three of us just happened to be looking at a powder storage magazine on the mountain east of my house,4 miles away..Not quit dark yet,it blew up!!! Blast was incredible,huge ball of fire and a shockwave..[Like a daisy Cutter bomb..] shook the car!!!