Yeah I made one too, based on one that Birddog6 made but I'm not showing it because it was a tiny bit off.
Just a few degrees off center and your in trouble.
Hard steel pins don't like to bend.
I ended up having to use some stainless welding rod I got from work on one project just so I could tweek the rod to fit the holes and that was enough!!
I'm not going to put 100+hours into a build again and have holes off center or drift the wrong way.
Part of the learning curve I guess. But nice clean straight, symmetrical holes are part of a nice looking build.
Unless your a machinist,
Your better off using a drill press/post set up or buying the MSM jig than trying to make one or free hand.
Here's a twist on that MSM jig.
The first one I bought was from a supplier not MSM. And that jig was off center!!
I contacted MSM, told them who the supplier was, I mailed it directly to them and they replaced it with one that is true.
I'm sett, I can now drill holes through stocks in three different sizes for probably the next 20yrs.