Drum Fit

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40 Cal.
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
How far (if at all) should the drum protrude into the barrel ? I have a Austin Halleck 50 cal and the drum has about 3/16", give or take, of threads showing. Seems like this could be a source for a lot of fouling buildup. Thanks in advance for the info.
The drum should not have any threads showing, either inside or outside of the barrel.

Outside the barrel is obviously wrong, but inside the barrel will do a number of bad things.

First, it will cause the cleaning rod/jag and patch to hang up which will keep the owner from properly cleaning the bore and breech plug face.

Second, it will sometimes prevent ignition, especially on a flintlock. If the powder is measured and poured and the ball/patch are gently rammed down the bore, sometimes the powder will not be blown into the cavity in the vent liner. This airspace can cause a flintlock to misfire.
To a lesser degree, the same can be said for Precussion guns.

Last but not least IMO, it is a sign of poor craftsmanship.
Thanks for the info. After your reply I took out the clean out screw and inserted a small screw driver into it and looked at the barrel again. There are No threads showing. It is a "dark spot" on the breech face right where the drum is.I am glad I had my head up my @$$ instead of a "real" problem. Thanks.
You are so correct, internally exposed threads add nothing to strength and will serve no other purpose except to create problems.

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