dye question

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flaming canvas

45 Cal.
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Has anyone ever tried using pecan hulls instead of walnut hulls to dye stuff? We have pecan groves out the wazzooo out here, but nary a walnut tree to be found anywhere close. The walnuts we do have in the Gila or Sacramento's are a different species than the ones back east.
Living up North, we don't have pecan trees, so I don't know what color dye would come out of the husks. Why not try them, and send us some pictures? I suspect you would get a lighter brown color, but who knows?
Pecan makes a fine dye as well as using it to vegie tan tooling and harness leather. Crush it and grind it. Boil it and use it. Be suprized at the nice colors you can get with it.

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