E.R. Ansbach

Muzzleloading Forum

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45, 45, 32 ,32 & 40
MLF Supporter
Nov 18, 2018
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A friend of mine picked up this nice piece and needs some info on it. I have looked and had no luck and was hoping the members here might be able to help. E.R. Ansbach is the only details I have other than it is a 45 cal with a swamped barrel.
Ed Ansbach was a good friend of mine taught me a lot about building muzzle loaders. He lived in Ada Ohio and passed away just a few years ago. He was an early member of the Ftm McArthur longrifles. He was a machinist by trade and a gunsmith by avocation. Started building in the late 1960's and continued till his death.
I helped him build his two story log house out of old barn timbers as did many of his friends. We used to joke that it was truly the house that beer built.
By the way the correct spelling is Anspaugh. If you go to the Ft McArthur longrifles web page his duaghter Kathleen is a member and has pictures of Ed on her page.
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