If ya can get hold of the recent issue of Early American Life magazine there is a great article with a bunch of pictures about F&I n colonial powder horns. They are beautiful n offer a slew of ideas for guys that want to carve on their horns. The horns will also give an idea of just how a horn from those time periods should look. BUT YA GOTTA REMEMBER THOSE HORNS ARE 200 YEARS OLD n the horn you may carry would not have that depth of patina on it even if ya had carried it for a good many years.Many want to cary items that look old n used n thats ok but sometimes I belive we all fall into the trap of carrying items that would look totally out of place if we were transported back in time. Having items that look used is one thing but they also carried new stuff very often n we need to remember that too.That stuff got old looking through use n many many years of age and the patina could only come long after the original owner was probably long dead. makeing an item look old is fine by me but maybe we try to make things that look TOO old to be realistic-- just some thoughts YMHS Birdman :hmm: