Eating size hog down

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I have not hunted hogs in the US but would like to at some piont. Taking them with a muzzleloader would be awsome!! As a 11 year old I was on a pig hunt in the jungle of Bolivia with dogs!!
Almost every night where we hunt in Texas.... they come in in droves! 59D7CA2B-8467-4CA7-98E4-E2DC9040146B.jpeg
I agree alot of the hogs around here are what the farmers free grazed , talking to a couple 90 year old farmers i used to trap for they said they released blue butt pole and china duroc in the 1940s in this area its a myth pure russians were released as back in the 40s and 50s there were no game ranches in the area i live, i managed one in the area in the 2000s they were just feral hogs mixed with whatever escaped were free roaming and grew up in the wild i moved to East texas in 1995 and there were already huntable populations as i killed a ton of them off my lease west of Woodville. i first started hunting hogs in the 80s in North texas around bridgeport and Jacksboro and we had a bunch then enough that after school and weekends after football games i killed some every weekend they started destroying turkey habitat so farmers would let you hunt anytime back then
I hunt in GA. In the past 10 years hogs have really become a problem. I love to eat them but they can mess up your deer herd/hunting. You can’t shoot enough of them to reduce their population enough to help.
my neighbor has trapped 500-600 and we still have too many.
What’s their ETA to the southern counties in Iowa? Inquiring minds, y’know...
My buddies and I hunt from Sept. 15 - Jan. 15 all across central MO on both sides of the Missouri River and we have never seen any wild/feral hogs or sign of hogs. I'm not saying there isn't the odd one here or there but no sounders. Hogs in MO are in the southern 1/3 of the state. Mo Dept. of Conservation are trapping any that are reported and hunting is illegal on public land.
I hunt in GA. In the past 10 years hogs have really become a problem. I love to eat them but they can mess up your deer herd/hunting. You can’t shoot enough of them to reduce their population enough to help.
my neighbor has trapped 500-600 and we still have too many. View attachment 63869

Man those duroc pigs, the red ones, look good as if they just walked out the ag barn at the local high school lol. I raised that breed when I was in FFA back in the day lol. Those look like real good eaters and look more like feral pigs vs the Russian boars we have sprinkled into all the pigs we have here in the wild.
I have always wanted to hunt hogs. Had a chance in central Florida but the property changed ownership before my vacation arrived. Curious, does the $250 for a guided hunt include the processing? A second hog would cost almost the same price.
I imagine processing is extra. It costs for butchering time. The 240#er I got last year cost $190 but I wound up with 130# of cuts and sausage in the freezer.
Saturday went to my little secret spot with the sole purpose of shooting a eater size pig to barbecue.
I carried my TC big boar .58 loaded with .570 rb .018 ticking patch wonder wad over the powder 100 grains pyrodex RS and a musket nipple and cap. The pig came in right at dark my red hunting lights were on and i turned my red head lamp to low so i could see front and rear sight the pig was about 12 yards from my blind squeezed the trigger bang flop. Once the smoke cleared not even a wiggle or kick DRT
Hunting hogs with blackpowder is on my Bucket List. How green is my jealousy? :cool:

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