EIC Fusil for Deer hunting.

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Mar 25, 2006
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I have an EIC Fusil that I want to work with to use for deer hunting next year.

It is a percussion smooth bore of full musket caliber,.76 with 33 inch barrel made in the 1840's..


I have shot it in the past in a Provincial Match on Alberta. 13 rounds fired, best 10 score on a B17 target at 50 yards. I used 120gr. FFG, 1/2 inch lubed fiber wad. .735 round ball filled with udder cream lube, 1/2 inch lube fiber wad.


I am hunting whitetails on a lease in Oklahoma shooting from deer blinds set up for archery at 20-30 yards from feeder.

I have a number of questions, but will only ask one at a time.

First question.

What 25 yard accuracy standard should I achieve before using this gun hunting deer?
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If I can keep all shots in the black with a center hold on a B-17 target at 25 yards would that be adequate?

Since this has .76+ bore I am going to start load testing with .75" round ball over 1/2" felt wad and 80 gr. FFg.

If that shows promise then I will work with other combination wads. If not I will move to patched ball combination.

Last load type I will consider is paper cartridges. That is what these guns originally used. I will try find what those loads were.

But one thing at a time. I am not going to jump all over testing.

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