End of season photos

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I liked the silhouette of the deer on the ground. As far as the other stuff in your post, I took it as you missed deer you thought you should have hit and when you did hit one you trailed it until you lost blood trail. Hope you get the gun all figured out and have a better season next year. Good Luck!
I liked the silhouette of the deer on the ground. As far as the other stuff in your post, I took it as you missed deer you thought you should have hit and when you did hit one you trailed it until you lost blood trail. Hope you get the gun all figured out and have a better season next year. Good Luck!
Now this is a solid response! You and @Christophero above are tied for the most positive, constructive comment here. Thank you!
Buddy I was just looking for clarification. More than a few of us were confused by your original post. I wish you the best and didn't mean to offend you. I am far from an expert but I manage to consistently kill deer with my flintlock, other muzzleloaders and compound bow. I attest that to a lot of time in the woods and knowing my guns/bow and being confident when going afield.
There are hunters in America who object to archery and black powder hunting, because sometimes our lethal hit or critter collection percentage is lower than a scoped 30-06. In fact both archery and black powder are illegal for hunting big game in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Probably also illegal in most other European countries, too. Point being that it is very easy to criticize people and types of weapons, thereby weakening hunting overall. Why do it here on this forum where people feel most comfortable openly discussing their challenges and successes with “primitive” weapons?
If this message seems belligerent, then this website probably isn’t for you. Or at least the hunting forum. Heck, black powder firearms probably are not for you. We hunt with them precisely because they are challenging. Sometimes a new flintlock just doesn't hit its groove and get all the bugs worked out right away, too. This is all part of the process and lifestyle/ hobby we enjoy on this site dedicated to it.
If I sound belligerent defending black powder hunting and related firearms, that is good. We should all have each other’s backs here, none of us should be trying to slip a knife in. We all should be protecting one another and supporting one another here, not taking on adversarial or superior attitudes.
Everyone have a great weekend. I am headed to the 18th Century Artisan Fair in Carlisle momentarily. Looking forward to seeing many friends there. Cheers!
Agree! With one "but"...and that was the small group, if you can call it that, that petitioned the Game Comm. to allow 'atlatl' hunting. I'd have to vote "No" on that had I been on the PA Game Comm. Way too much chance of cruelly injuring game.
Tough to say goodbye to our favorite season here in PA, the late flintlock. I hunted with a brand new rifle made by Mark Wheland, a 62 caliber British Sporting Rifle with a 28” barrel and sights in the white that I kept improving until the last few days. While learning the new and newer sights, I missed at least half a dozen deer. One deer was knocked flat, but got up, went uphill, and left a very spotty and light blood trail for 300 yards before rejoining her herd and not being found dead. Here are some pictures of a great season.
NICE gun! My favorite style rock lock is the english sporter.
To all PA flint lockers on this thread----- Did you know that once again last year our PGC considered the modification of the present flintlock only season to allow the use of the unmentionable abominations? If you feel like I do be on your guard this year and be sure to tell them to let things that do not need to be fixed alone. You can do this through the public comment opportunities they provide. If they go that route we will see optics, smokless powder guns and mandatory 250 square inch ornge requirements in the flintlock season.
NICE gun! My favorite style rock lock is the english sporter.
To all PA flint lockers on this thread----- Did you know that once again last year our PGC considered the modification of the present flintlock only season to allow the use of the unmentionable abominations? If you feel like I do be on your guard this year and be sure to tell them to let things that do not need to be fixed alone. You can do this through the public comment opportunities they provide. If they go that route we will see optics, smokless powder guns and mandatory 250 square inch ornge requirements in the flintlock season.
Well said. And thank you for the compliment.
@springfield art So you don't agree with primitive hunting seasons? Losing game is
part of hunting period. I doubt the rate is much or any higher than other weapons. Most guys interested in primitive hunting are fairly proficient and dedicated to the cause. With your more mainstream options any Joe Blow who is just getting into hunting will likely using such weapons. The animal gets a vote too. Hunting isn't a slaughter house with one hundred percent success rate. Hence why it is called hunting. It's about history and traditions. It's important to practice things our forefathers did and in similar fashion. In my opinion. no one wants to injure game...at least no moral hunters I know
Well I give it honest numbers for real bad luck. I can't say bad.

It hurts allot to miss one with whatever you're using. I wouldn't say quit hunting. Maybe good luck you need that. We're some of those shots kinda shots you new you might not get it.

Is it the gun? Is it your shooting and the shots you took? Whatever the reason. You have all year to figure it out. You Remember all these shots? That's allot of deer haunting you.
...allow 'atlatl' hunting. I'd have to vote "No" on that had I been on the PA Game Comm. Way too much chance of cruelly injuring game.

Injured game? From a few primitive hunters?? Give me a break...

Millions of game animals are hit on the road every year.
And that's just big game strikes, that are reported for causing accidents. No tally is kept on the wounded that cause little damage, small game, or fur bearers.

I guess you and everyone that shares your concerns are planning to vote "No" on roads, sell their car, and start walking?!:rolleyes: Way too much chance of cruelly injuring game.
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Sorry you said missed at least half a dozen on the original post. I thought you were some clown.

Good luck man.

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