My 62 smoothie can ( if I do my part ) shoot into 3 inch or so pretty consistently at 40 or 50 of my paces (rite at or a little over 3 feet).
I'd surely like mine to do this at 100 yds but not yet.
Load is 80 grains Old E 3F under a .595 ball patched in .015 cotton lubed with a 50/50 mix of bee wax/Vasoline heated together so as to incorporate into each other. (Got this wonderful lube idea from the Sharps community, they found that this mix is very close to the old tried n trued " bee wax/sperm whale oil " that was the recommendation directly from the Sharps company back in the 1870's).
I have used this lube for ALL my black powder shooting. It ranks rite up even with SPG which is another great lube.
Have heard it said (and agree completely) ... that your lube will make or break your accuracy/reload-ability. If the lube don't make the trip clear up the barrel ... then you can expect eradic performance from whichever gun/projectile that you attempt to use.
I do not see how smoothies can be any different lube wise. I have a suspicion that our forfathers way back used what tallow they could find to add the needed lube to their loads.
Not talking military expectations! The military historically has pretty loose parameters for accuracy due to warfare conditions/needs based on the tactics of the time.
Hunting/survival on the frontier depended on a bit better accuracy than the military. Our for-fathers needed to down game with aplomb and immediacy so as to collect their kill and get outta dodge before unwanted company showed up to try taking your game away from you.
Went a bit astray here I guess. I also enjoy the pursuit of game getting ways involved in smooth bore shooting. I also remain convinced that the smoothie was very much more found on the frontier than rifled rifles or pistols.
Easy to load ... easy to carry ... will fill the meat bag like no other arm.
Whats not to like?