fearsome weapons

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50 Cal.
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Shot my new project today.
5 loads, went bang every time :grin:
This is the biggest pistol cal that I have assembled so far.
It's a .62 10" smooth bore and with 30/40 grains of 3fff and an oz of #4 shot. at 25 yrds :surrender:
Let me tell you.. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end..It's a big pistol.
Give me a good horse, a saber in one hand and this in the other. :thumbsup:
The poor infantry,
Very nice!

What are the specs on the pistol? I am interested in building a smoothy pistol...yours has peeked my interest! :thumbsup:
It was built on the cheap with TVM Parts, the ones I couldn't buy from TVM I got from track..
Plain walnut stock, the 10" .62 oct to rd is the last of their DOM tube. They are Going to sell colerains from now on.
It's one of their "large silers". It's like a Russian AK, not allot of fine fit and finish like Chambers, but it works just fine.
Furniture is a mix, TOW butt-cap, ted cash thimbles, don't know who made the trigger guard.
The side plate is just a few brass washers I picked up at the local hardware store. Front sight is a new TVM..has just a simple vent hole.
The finish is scraped, with LMF walnut stain and a shellac finish.
Polished the metal with fine files and a belt sander. Carving isn't fancy, but it's a "military" pistol and I did sign it.
It has keys instead of pins and I really like them.
Not that hard to install and they make clean up a breeze.
Getting back to the fearsome part.
What do you think is the most devastating pistol..Black powder.. ever built??
I am torn between the big bore smooth bores and the Lematt.
I test the penetration of birdshot loads by firing on old steel Goex cans. I'd not hunt small game with a load which won't penetrate both sides. When I tested a .56 caliber smoothbore pistol with 10" barrel I shot at 15 yards. The load was 40 grains 3f, two 28 gauge card wads and 3/4 ounce on nickle plated sixes. It put 8 pellets on the can but not one even penetrated the front side. The dents were maybe a little deeper than you'd expect from a Red Rider BB gun but not much. I wouldn't shoot anything much larger than a sparrow with it.
I've also seen a test of #4 buckshot from a LeMatt and penetration was lacking there also. I think that if a man were wearing a heavy wool coat the buckshot might not break his skin.
I will have to test mine on a can :hmm:
That walker is a fine gun.. Know it will penetrate a can :rotf:
If you want to see devastating; try one .610 roundball and 3 or 4 00 buckshot over 35 grains of 2F. That will penetrate at 15 yards.

You will need to load the buckshot on top of the roundball. Do not put the buckshot below the roundball.

Many Klatch
The LeMat, shoot the bad guy nine times, and then finish him off with the 20 ga shotgun charge. The Walker, or Dragoon Colts are nasty as well, magnums of their day and still make big holes in stuff today. My .69 Tower pistol rips things apart pretty good, made in Japan in the 70's for the bicentennial celebration, mine is one of the better quality ones with a frizzen that will spark.