32 Cal.
Dean S. Thomas, Ready ... Aim ... Fire! Small Arms ammunition in the Battle of Gettysburg (Thomas Pubns., 2007), pp. 60-67, citing, RG 156 Records of the Office of the Chief of Ordnance, NARA --"Quarterly Summary Statements of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores" 30 June 1863:
88th Pennsylvania [Phil.] (also Enfields)
81st Pennsylvania [Phil.] (also Springfield .58s)
63rd New York--3rd Regt. Irish Brigade [NYC]
69th New York--Fighting 69th/"Faugh a Ballagh!" [NYC]
88th New York--"Mr. Meagher's Own" 2nd Regt. Irish Brigade [Ft. Schuyler]
116th Pennsyvlania [Phil.]
145th Pennsylvania [Erie]
1st Minnesota (also Sharps, Springfield .58s and rifled .69s)
106th Pennsylvania [Phil.](also Springfield .58s, French .58s)
4th Ohio/ OVI [Columbus] (also Springfield .58s, Enfields, and English smoothbores!)
8th Ohio/ OVI "Fightin' Fools" (also Springfield .58s, Enfields)
12th New Jersey--"Buck and Ball" (recorded as making up buckshot cartridges from the buck and ball ammunition before Pickett's charge...)
11th Massachusetts "The Boston Volunteers"
11th New Jersey [Trenton] (also Enfields, Austrian .58s)
12th New Hampshire [Concord] (also Springfield .58s)
7th New Jersey [Trenton] (also Enfields and Springfield .58s)
9th Massachusetts "The Fighting Ninth" [Irish/Boston] (also rifled .69s--in fall '63 got Springfield .58s)
155th Pennsylvania [Pittsburgh]
13th PA Reserves/42nd Regt. "First Rifles" "Bucktails" [Harrisburg] (also Sharps, Enfields)
5th PA Reserves/ 34th Regt. [Harrisburg]
9th PA Reserves/ 38th Regt.[Pittsburgh]
3rd New Jersey (also Springfield .58s)
93rd Pennsylvania [Lebanon] (also .69 rifled muskets)
102nd Pennsylvania [Pittsburgh] (also Springfield .58s)
27th Pennsylvania [Phil.] (also Enfields)
88th Pennsylvania [Phil.] (also Enfields)
81st Pennsylvania [Phil.] (also Springfield .58s)
63rd New York--3rd Regt. Irish Brigade [NYC]
69th New York--Fighting 69th/"Faugh a Ballagh!" [NYC]
88th New York--"Mr. Meagher's Own" 2nd Regt. Irish Brigade [Ft. Schuyler]
116th Pennsyvlania [Phil.]
145th Pennsylvania [Erie]
1st Minnesota (also Sharps, Springfield .58s and rifled .69s)
106th Pennsylvania [Phil.](also Springfield .58s, French .58s)
4th Ohio/ OVI [Columbus] (also Springfield .58s, Enfields, and English smoothbores!)
8th Ohio/ OVI "Fightin' Fools" (also Springfield .58s, Enfields)
12th New Jersey--"Buck and Ball" (recorded as making up buckshot cartridges from the buck and ball ammunition before Pickett's charge...)
11th Massachusetts "The Boston Volunteers"
11th New Jersey [Trenton] (also Enfields, Austrian .58s)
12th New Hampshire [Concord] (also Springfield .58s)
7th New Jersey [Trenton] (also Enfields and Springfield .58s)
9th Massachusetts "The Fighting Ninth" [Irish/Boston] (also rifled .69s--in fall '63 got Springfield .58s)
155th Pennsylvania [Pittsburgh]
13th PA Reserves/42nd Regt. "First Rifles" "Bucktails" [Harrisburg] (also Sharps, Enfields)
5th PA Reserves/ 34th Regt. [Harrisburg]
9th PA Reserves/ 38th Regt.[Pittsburgh]
3rd New Jersey (also Springfield .58s)
93rd Pennsylvania [Lebanon] (also .69 rifled muskets)
102nd Pennsylvania [Pittsburgh] (also Springfield .58s)
27th Pennsylvania [Phil.] (also Enfields)