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True, but using 3F for prime sure beats trying to grind 3F into, ahem!, 4F. I prime with 4F and sure wouldn't bother with trying to grind 3F up.
As two members mentioned I timed 4f and 3f as primer. The difference is measurable, but not with human senses. I like 4f, but 3f works fine. I'd rather use 3f than grind up some for primer.

Some shooters like priming from the horn rather than carrying an extra priming horn. For me it's the opposite. I have nerve damage in my hand and do not handle small items well. I hate handling the horn and the stopper twice. My flat priming horn is in a side pocket. It has no stopper, so it is easier for me than handling the horn stopper twice. If I ran out of 4f, I probably try 3f in my priming horn.

I'd suggest keeping the vent sqeeeeky clean, sharp flint, and making sure that there is priming against the barrel. These things can be as important.

I use Goex FFg and when I need finer FFFg or FFFFg for the pan I just put FFg in the bowl pestle and mortar and grind it down works well for me.
I have only had to grind powder once a long time ago, when the goex plant blew up in the late 70s early 80s and powder was real hard to come by. I was able to get a 25 pound keg of cannon grade.
I got some brass screen in various meshes and rubbed the powder over the screen and the powder that fell through was the right coarseness, and the smaller screen below allowed the too fine granules to pass through, I had a chart of screen sizes for the various grades of powder. I survived with my beard and all my fingers intact, but I was a lot younger and a lot dumber then, but like any addict, its amazing what one will do for a "fix".
The Goex plant has blown up many times...As have other powder plants and mills.
Back in the 1800's there was a powder mill not far from me.....it exploded too.
It's a hazard that goes with the territory. :haha:
I know, right? I suppose we're lucky to get it for the prices we do. It's a wonder the stuff doesn't cost a hundred $ a lb. with all of the liabilities and regulations. Heck, on sec thought it's a wondr we can even get it at all.