FFFFg powder priming

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40 Cal.
Aug 26, 2018
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I'm doing some inventory of supplies. Here is my dumb question of the day. How many average pan primes can nearly 4# of FFFFg powder do? It's actually 3# 14.6 ounces net weight. My pan primer is a very small bag flask (a Philadelphia model) and I just dump what looks to be appropriate for my various flintlocks (45 to musket size). I'm ordering powder and not sure on ffffg needs. I will say not knowing this is 100% my fault as like I said I just disperse what 'looks good' and have no real clue as to how much in a technical sense.
I'm doing some inventory of supplies. Here is my dumb question of the day. How many average pan primes can nearly 4# of FFFFg powder do? It's actually 3# 14.6 ounces net weight. My pan primer is a very small bag flask (a Philadelphia model) and I just dump what looks to be appropriate for my various flintlocks (45 to musket size). I'm ordering powder and not sure on ffffg needs. I will say not knowing this is 100% my fault as like I said I just disperse what 'looks good' and have no real clue as to how much in a technical sense.

When you run out of ffffg, you can always use fffg. That looks like a lifetime supply of ffffg to me.
I'm doing some inventory of supplies. Here is my dumb question of the day. How many average pan primes can nearly 4# of FFFFg powder do? It's actually 3# 14.6 ounces net weight. My pan primer is a very small bag flask (a Philadelphia model) and I just dump what looks to be appropriate for my various flintlocks (45 to musket size). I'm ordering powder and not sure on ffffg needs. I will say not knowing this is 100% my fault as like I said I just disperse what 'looks good' and have no real clue as to how much in a technical sense.

But honestly, I never carry a priming horn/flask. I prime with whatever I'm shooting. One less thing to carry, keep up with, run out of. YMMV
Never used FFFFg for priming but I do use it for the main charge in my little screw pistol. @64Springer is right, you should get about 5600 shots assuming you use 5gr per shot.
I bought a pound of 4F to round out my last order, probably/most likely never see the bottom of the can in what's left of my life. I prime with it at the range in good weather but use 3f or even 2f for hunting or shooting in damp weather. Always good to have options in anything your doing.

4F is handy when you dry ball to trickle in the touch hole or drum of a cap gun.
Started with my fist can in '75. Wow I sound like an old geezer...LOL! Must be cause I bought a second can a wile back , forgot about it and bought a third. Figuring I shoot mostly only with rocks now I still am good til I about 90.....
I do want to add that I share about 100gr or so with cap gun friends for them to pop out wet loads. A container in yr possibles is handy to have.....A few gr under the nipple will pop out a fouled load or dry ball pretty well. No need for them to spend on a pound...
The priming device in my shot pouch is one of those "push" primers. It takes about three pushes , 20 gr. FFFFg , to deliver the amount I use.

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