hey Folks, I received my files back today,and I am impressed. I went to our tool crib at work and got a new 10" flat ******* to compare with one that was redone,the resharpened file is a lot better than the new one. The lathe file cuts better than it did when it was new. The cabinet rasps also are a lot better than new. I had an old half round wood rasp that I picked up at an auction somewhere that was completly wore out and they helped it a lot,if I was going to send one out in that bad of shape again, I would take a small grinding point and work the backside of the teeth off a little,and it would be better than new, don't get me wrong, it was ready to be pitched into the scrap bin,but now it will last me a long while.All and all I am very satisfied with the quality of work that they did, and I going to send them some more.