Claude said:
Well, IMO an individual forum doesn't have to be indicated, and frankly would have no name recognition at the legislator level anyway...but I do think some benefit could come from some amount or organized effort, particularly if there was name recognition.
Knowing the enormous amount of mail that comes in to a legislator's office, it's screened of course, and just some emails trickling in from a few joe blows may be filtered out from ever making it into the morning report to a legislator...but...if a staffie started to see an unexpected uptick in references to official sounding organizations like the NRA suddenly appeared in Emails, or other official "sounding" national / state organization names...I'd think that unexpected trend might get some additional attention, become a focus item...then they'd probably also take more notice of the joe blow emails as well.
Remember back when OSHA was discovered trying a back door us on regs that would have made the cost of BP prohibitive, we got an Email campaign going, got the NRA involved, they took OSHA to task, and OSHA was stopped.
So my thoughts would be both...a massive Email campaign from every possible individual at a minimum, but also to have any member who is part of any organization with an official sounding name...(just to make one up, something like "North Carolina Historical Reenactors Club") get their club onboard and have their members start Emailing referencing their club's name in the subject line of all their Emails.
Is there an NRA member on the Forum with any connections to the NRA leadership?
Who on the Forum has any influece with NMLRA leadership to get them behind this...always a lot of sentiment expressed about how the NMLRA goes to bat for ML folks, well here's a golden opportunity?;
Who on the Forum belongs to reenactor organizations who could get their club leadership to get behind this?
Anyhow, those are my initial thoughts...others reading this can chime in with ideas, expand on it, consolidate things into a strategy...maybe temporarily set up a special Forum category as sort of a reference library of the things we begin to formalize, etc ??