fines for pan use

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It is safe to do. No fire, no explosion and no, static will not set it off either.
I tested this placing several different pinches of powder on my anvil and hitting it with a 2 pound hammer until it was dust and it would not ignite. Mike D.
I do something like that but with a copper slab and a glass vial. Roll 3P to fine dust.

Its not quite as fast as Swiss priming powder, but its a lot better than the 3P.
That method would work. But a cheap investment in a wood mortar and pestle ( which I mentioned before ) would be a lot neater, easier to work with and less of a chance of powder being lost. You can find them easily on e-bay. :thumbsup:
M.D. said:
Was wondering if anyone is regularly using the fines from granulation break up of pound cans of courser grained powder for pan use.
I know some folks regularly "sock" their powder before use and was thinking that what is separated would make good pan powder. Mike D.

If you are having granulation breakdown with current powder I would see if I could find better powder. If there was enough to have a supply of priming I would really find another powder.

Older GOEX made at Moosic was prone to this but the fines were not really complete powder. Much of this was caused by sulfur oxidizing bacteria in the water used to make the powder. It was dusty but the fines were not really powder, being fines created by bugs eating the sulfur. It was not possible to use another powder at the time so it had to be worked around. IE throwing away powder that was simply useless. Once Swiss came to America I switched to that. It does not break down or have "bugs".
