Finished my Flat Buffalo horn

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Filled the horn with powder today for the first time, turns out it holds about 1/3rd # of FFF... Plenty good for a trail walk or some time at a bench... Ordered some more horns today as well, 3 more buffalo sheaths and 3 small polished steer horns for some priming horns... This time I'll try to document more and try some other tricks as well... More pinning and less tacking, also have a horn I screwed up so maybe I'll try scratching some designs on it to see if I can figure that out too though I admit I'm a poor artist... Might try making a wee tipple flask if I find the right horn... Only as a tribute to the Scots and Irish in my ancestry you understand...;)
Congratulations on flatening a buffalo horn I always have trouble flatening horns with out cracking them.
Congratulations on flatening a buffalo horn I always have trouble flatening horns with out cracking them.
I'm discovering that myself with the steer horns, cracked one a bit but it could be because they are pre-polished and pretty thin walled... That's the trouble with ordering online, you never find just what you're looking for... By themselves they would have made fine little horns but not quite right for flattening... Ah well, it's all a learning experience... Now just need to stay on the lookout for thicker material I can thin myself... Still have the Buffalo sheaths coming though and should have much better luck there...

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