Smoke and/or sun.
There was a joke about a guy who went to a doctor to complain that his gas and his ‘leaving’ didn’t have any smell, and he was worried about his health. He passed gas for the MD and the doc gave him some pills.At the risk of seeming unkind Why bother ?. Use it ,wear it to a few rondesvous it will soon be over powered by the general Forest Grungy smell of the rest of the camp . Stink is primitive they HAD stink lots of it, its' wicked authentic'& " they would have stunk it if they would have had it " and Im'e sure that would be the last thing they worried about . I once did three primative events in a row & never changed my togs three weeks primitive .I got so rank I wonderered that the ' Widow makers might cashier me but I hinted it was uncle Ron so they didnt '.I ended up going bare foot because my socks ran away one night . My fault I should have kept them on . Nature blessed me with a poor sense of smell very usefull in exoctic lands. I can pick out gunpowder smoke & rotten eggs so allwa'ys knew when I was getting close to Rotorua but Roses didnt do it ..Anyway please excuse my banter but there is a point. Regards Rudyard
Thanks to all for your input.
I've taken some advise and here's where this smelly bag is now.
Hand washed in mild laundry deterg. Rinsed three times. All by hand. Air dried in the sun.
Seems to have helped a lot. Now I can use this around other people without seeing anybody wondering what that odor is as they look around with a crinckled nose.
I would not put it around anything especially hunting clothing until the smell is completly gone.Have to say the odor was in the cloth and not the leather. Think I may get a few new Earth Scent Wafers and put one inside the bag for a couple weeks or so. Then put it in the large bag I store the hunting clothes in.
Acually, just because a human can't smell something, it doesn't mean wild animals won't smell it. Virtually all animals have a much more keen sense of smell. Of course, I've been deer hunting while smoking a cigarette, and had deer come within feet of me.I would not put it around anything especially hunting clothing until the smell is completly gone.