First attempt leather pouch.

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40 Cal.
Feb 25, 2009
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My possibles bag has been for the last few years an old US military gas mask bag in OD green canvas. So last year my brother in law tosses out his leather sofa which his teen sons used for a trampoline and racked the frame to bits. he went to toss it into the dumpster at work and I said "hold on there!" that's some fine Corinthian leather you're tossing. In no time flat I had that carcass skinned and salvaged about four yards of supple aged golden leather.

Here's the first project out of it. The shooting bag is next.
The pattern is made up. Three connected panels sewn into a balloon shape with a narrow neck concealing a steel ring opening with a leather thong to tie it shut. Works for me.


Looks good. I've have an old leather couch that's on it's last legs and already have some plans for it's hide. :grin:
I ain't never skint no couch. Do you split it up the belly like a deer or peel it like a possum?
That is some nice work. And I like the idea of saving something useful from being thown away.
Really more like an overgrowed hog!. After you stick it and it bleeds out and quits thrashing, then you get to work. Slice around the legs like most critters, then roll it onto its back and slit the belly careful not to get too close to the stuffins with your blade. Then it's like peeling a hu-mongo-normous possum. Cept it don't smell near as much like possum. And I got all kinds of spending money out of this one including a Russian ruble! and a tiny little metal frog. and some candy, yum! no kidding! :grin:


PS- and I have skinned hogs, oppossum, racoon, fox, deer, turkeys, chickens by the score, snakes, and lots of sheep but only one couch so far.
Nice pouch.

Why not just post the photos here, so we don't have to keep jumping back and forth? Sure saves a lot of clicking. :wink:

Ya done good! Skinin that couch was
a great idea.:applause: