first blood for custom 32 flinter

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flehto said:
I think these little squirrels are known by various names...Fred
I have many explatives to call those small very "chatty" squirrels, especially while hunting. :grin:
I agree that these little squirrels what ever they're called, make a lot of racket. While elk hunting these little so and sos cut the cones and after the cone falls 60 ft or so, they make a loud thump which brings my rifle to full alert only to be disappointed. C'mon Coloradans...they're evidently good to eat so go out and reduce the population and woods noise.....Fred
It looks like a red squirrel to me. Reds ussually have that black stripe down the side before the white belly. Greys are ussually quite bigger than the reds. Some of those are black. That is a color phase kinda like a cinnimon Black bear. Not as common but out there. Then the Daddy of them all the Fox. Unfortunately I haven't found a good population of those in NC but they are everywhere back home in Pa. The reds are great eating , they just take a few more to make a meal.
On another note that is a beautiful rifle :thumbsup: Andy
my woods only has reds and fox squirrels. no greys. Yes here we also call them pine squirrels and fairy diddles. The squirrel is the pic is definetly a red squirrel. It was just a tad bigger then a chipmunk. But they are a heck of a challange to hit.The fox squirrels here can get up to a couple pounds and are very hard to take down with the shotguns. My friends use 22s and sometimes the fox squirrels will need a couple shots to take down. They are definetly a tough critter. But the 32 or 45 sure fixes them quick. I have a lot of respect for the wise fox squirrels and I am truly happy that I have the oppurtunity to hunt squirrels. They are a very challanging and fun game animal to hunt.

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