I take mine to the belt sander & carefully sand off the excess til it is the same length as the depth of the hole it is going into.
Then with the breechplug out, I check to insure it is not sticking into the bore & then I take a small oval carbide dremel bit & it knock off the lil burs to insure it doesn't cut patches or grab anything. You can so this with a small round file or a round or half-round riffler also. You can check this with a Q-tip rubbing over the vent liner in the bore & see if it hangs any cotton fibers.
Don't put locktite on it, put some NeverSeize or Antiseize on it so you can get it back out if necessary later on. I don't use teflon tape because I don't like teflon tape on any pipe fitting, but that is a personal thing....... :hmm:
Also, if it is a vent liner with a shoulder, just Snug it in til the shoulder is filled into the countersink, file flush & go on.
If it is a Chambers White-Lightning go by the instructions that came with the liner.
One suggestion, if it is a Chambers, take some electrical tape & wrap the barrel in front & behind the vent liner so you don't gouge the barrel with the hacksaw when you cut the lug off.